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发布时间:2024-03-30 23:14:07

[单项选择]Who is Rudy Warren
A. A radio host
B. A local writer
C. A gardening expert
D. A news anchor

更多"Who is Rudy Warren"的相关试题:

[单项选择]When will Rudy come from Beijing
A. 8 o’clock in the evening.
B. 18 o’clock in the evening.
C. At about any hour in the evening.
[单项选择]Mr. Warren Christopher ()
A. believes there is hope for peace
B. will report to the UN on Thursday
C. will hold more talks before leaving the region
D. is not sure that the peace process will succeed
[填空题]"Slugging It Out In Japan" by Warren Cromartie with Robert Whiting
Rodansha International Press, Tokyo and New York, Y 3,000 (US $ 22,50) This book is the story of how Warren Cromartie, a 29-year-old African-American major league baseball-player from Mia- mi, made good in Japan. It is also a tale of how this good-natured, plain-spoken player came to eventually understand and like the Japanese and their way of life, of which "Cro" learned the meaning of being a team player in Japan, "a group person."
Someone once wrote that if white Americans wanted to understand the black experience in the US, they should try living in Japan," writes Cro, summing up the problem he faced, being non-Japanese first and foremost, and black second. He knew what he was writing (31)
Cro is a child of Liberty City, the tough ghetto of Miami, He (32) up in a broken home, with a stepbrother who (33) time in jail for armed robbery. Following in the footsteps of his neig
[填空题]Who will become nearsighted easily
People who do a lot of ______ will become nearsighted easily.

MRS. WARREN. [after looking at her helplessly, begins to whimper] Vivie—
VIVIE. [ springing up sharply] Now pray dont begin to cry. Anything but that. I really cannot stand whimpering. I will go out of the room if you do.
MRS. WARREN. [piteously] Oh, my darling, how can you be so hard on me Have I no rights over you as your mother
VIVIE. Are you my mother
MRS. WARREN. [appalled] Am I your mother! Oh, Vivie!
VIVIE. Then where are our relatives my father our family friends You claim the fights of a mother: the right to call me fool and child; to speak to me as no woman in authority over me at college dare speak to me; to dictate my way of life; and to force on me the acquaintance of a brute whom anyone can see to be the most vicious sort of London man about town. Before I give myself the trouble to resist such claims, I may as well find out whether they have any real existence.
A. Identify the author and the title of the play from

[填空题]Who will probably read this page Those who want to ______ in Australia and New Zealand.
[单项选择]People who love music, who can lose themselves in a book, or who can spend hours painting a picture of a mountain, know the deep satisfaction that can be found in art. It is not easy to express this satisfaction in words. But, in some partly mysterious (神秘的) way, works of art are among the things of highest value in our lives.What is the main idea of the text
[A] Music has a power to catch all our attention.
[B] Art of high values can improve us as human beings.
[C] It’s difficult to express our satisfaction from works of art.
[D] Simple entertainment is easy to understand and can give us pleasure.


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