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发布时间:2024-03-29 00:21:52


M: Good morning, can I help you
W: How much does this microwave oven cost’.
M: $280.
W: Can you give a discount for it
M: Sorry, I can’ t. The price is fixed.
W: Come on, Cut down the price just a little bit. I can buy it in another store, but I choose to buy it here as your store is nearer to my place.
M: Well, because I have to meet a quota in order to get my commission. OK. I’ll take oft’, let say, fifty dollars. How does that sound
W: Oh, no. I was thinking maybe more in three digits. Something like one hundred
M: Please. That’s too much. Seventy-five, no more no less.
W: Give it two zeros like a hundred. I feel luckier with zeros.
M: Alright, eighty is the bottom line, we can’t make any profit if the price is rower than $ 200.
W: OK, I’ll take it. Be sure m have it securely packaged.

How much does the shop assistant offer to reduce at first()
A. Fifty dollars.
B. Five dollars.
C. Two hundred dollars.
D. Seventy-five dollars.

更多"M: Good morning, can I help you W"的相关试题:


M: Good morning, can I help you
W: How much does this microwave oven cost’.
M: $280.
W: Can you give a discount for it
M: Sorry, I can’ t. The price is fixed.
W: Come on, Cut down the price just a little bit. I can buy it in another store, but I choose to buy it here as your store is nearer to my place.
M: Well, because I have to meet a quota in order to get my commission. OK. I’ll take oft’, let say, fifty dollars. How does that sound
W: Oh, no. I was thinking maybe more in three digits. Something like one hundred
M: Please. That’s too much. Seventy-five, no more no less.
W: Give it two zeros like a hundred. I feel luckier with zeros.
M: Alright, eighty is the bottom line, we can’t make any profit if the price is rower than $ 200.
W: OK, I’ll take it. Be sure m have it securely packaged.

What does the woman want to buy()
A. A sweater.
B. An expensive pen.
C. A microwave oven.
D. A dishwasher.

W: Good morning, British Airways. How can I help you
M: Good morning. I have a return ticket to Rome. It’s open. I’d like to confirm my flight.
W: What date do you want to travel
M: Thursday, November 26.
W: The first flight departs at 2 p.m.. It arrives in Rome at 5: 20 p.m..
M: Is there a later flight
W: Yes, there is a flight at 4 p.m. arriving in Rome at 7:30 p.m..
M: Yes, thank you. That’ s right.
W: What class are you traveling
M: Ah... economy.
W: Is that one fit
M: Yes.

Where does the man want to travel ()
A. To Paris.
B. To Rome.
C. To London.
D. To Berlin.

M: Good morning! Can I help you, Madam
W: Good morning! I’m looking for a coat.
M: What color would you like
W: Could you show me some I’d like a middle-sized red coat.
M: Sorry. We haven’t anything of your size.
W: Do you have a smaller size
M: I’m sorry. The small size coats have just been sold out. How about the blue one It looks nice and perhaps fits you.
W: Well, may I try it on
M: Yes, please.
W: It seems nice on me. How much is it
M: 168 yuan.
W: OK. Here is 170 yuan, please.
M: Your change, please. Thank you.
W: You may keep the change. Good-bye.
M: Thank you ! Good-bye !

What was the woman going to buy ( )
A. A coat.
B. A shirt.
C. A sweater.

W: Good morning, Burwood Hospital. Can I help you
M: Yes, can I make a doctor’s appointment sometimes tomorrow
W: Yes. With Dr Smith
M: Yes, I want to have an appointment with Dr Smith.
W: What time is good for you tomorrow
M: What about 4:30 tomorrow afternoon I will come after work.
W: Four thirty I am sorry; he will have another appointment at that time. Could we make it for five, please
M: Five o’clock would be fine.
W: What is your name
M: Martin Frank.
W: OK, see you tomorrow, Mr Frank.

Why can’t Dr Smith meet the man at 4:30 ( )
A. Dr Smith will not work at that time.
B. Dr Smith will be out to have a tea at that time.
C. Dr Smith will have an appointment at that time.

M: Good morning. Can I help you
W: Yes. I bought this blouse here last week. But there seems to be something wrong with it.

Where does the conversation take place( ).
A. A clothes shop.
B. A book store.
C. A shoe shop.

W: Good morning, can I help you
M: Yes, please. (7)I’d like to cash two traveler’s cheques.
W: Could you sign your name here please
M: Sure.
W: Thank you. How would you like your money
M: In hundreds and fifties, please.
W: Ok. It’s 1,660 yuan, here you are.
M: Thanks. May I know the exchange rate
W: Well, at the moment the exchange rate between US dollars and RMB is 1: 8.3. you give me two $100 cheques; here is 1,660 yuan. Is that right
M: Yes, thanks.

Where does the conversation most probably take place( ).
A. In a supermarket.
B. In a bank.
C. In an office.
D. In a stock market.

M: Good morning. Can I help you
W: Hello. My name’s John Bush and I’m intending to go to a conference in Sydney for three weeks.
M: I see. Do you want the excursion fare or the full return fare
W: Now, can I get a stopover on an excursion fare
M: Yes, you’re allowed only one stopover on the excursion fare.
W: Oh, I see, only one.
M: Yes. But of course, if you pay the full return fare then you can have unlimited stopovers.
W: Oh, It sounds good. You see, the thing is that I’ve got two weeks’ holiday after the conference and I’ve never been out that way before at all to Australia or the Far East, and I want to go shopping or sightseeing in Hong Kong or somewhere near there. Where exactly can I go
M: Well, lots of places. There’s Singapore, Kuwait, Athens, you’ve really got quite a lot of choices you know.
W: Mm. Well, it sounds marvelous. How much would that cost
A. An excursion fare.
B. A full return ticket.
C. A single ticket.
D. Two tickets.


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