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发布时间:2024-03-29 04:57:44

[单项选择]All was dark in the district except for a candle ______ though the curtains in one of the houses.
A. glimmering
B. flaming
C. blazing

更多"All was dark in the district except"的相关试题:

[填空题]The room became completely dark when the candle _____ out.
[单项选择]Syntactic change includes all the following EXCEPT ( ).
A. rule loss
B. affix loss
C. rule addition
D. rule change
[单项选择]Shakespeare wrote all the following works EXCEPT
A. Hamlet.
B. King Lear.
C. Wuthering Heights.
D. Othello.
[单项选择]John Dryden was all of the following EXCEPT
A. a literary critic.
B. a short story writer.
C. a poet.
D. a dramatist.
[单项选择]The rebels have done all EXCEPT()。
A. destroyed two electricity towers
B. contacted a city newspaper
C. threatened to take action in the capital
D. strengthened security at the airport
[单项选择]A batsman in cricket does all the following EXCEPT______.

A. waiting for the other batsman
B. standing in front of the wicket
C. trying to hit the ball
D. running to change positions
[单项选择]Mark Twain wrote all the following works EXCEPT
[A] The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. [B] The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.
[C] Life on the Mississippi. [D] Uncle Tom’s Cabin.
[单项选择]The rent includes all the following EXCEPT ().
A. the use of dishwasher
B. the telephone fee
C. electricity
D. the use of microwave
[单项选择]The panel agreed on all of the following except that ______.

A. the ban on federal funds for human cloning should be made a law
B. the cloning of human DNA is not to be put under more control
C. it is criminal to use private funding for human cloning
D. it would be against ethical values to clone a human being
[单项选择]All of the following are right EXCEPT that()
A. the man can use the garage without paying any money
B. the apartment is popular
C. the man rents the house without hesitation
D. the man’s brother with his family will live in the house as well as the man and his wife
[单项选择]Touraine features all of the following except ______.

A. the shaded quay
B. the Loire
C. the great dike
D. French history
[单项选择]All the information about Mr. Bob is right EXCEPT()
A. he is a foreigner in this country
B. he has already had a driving license
C. he married a foreign woman
D. he wants to borrow money from the bank to buy a car
[单项选择]The rebels have done all the following EXCEPT ______ .
A. destroying two electricity towers
B. contacting a Mexico City newspaper
C. threatening to take action in the capital
D. strengthening security at the airport
[单项选择]Bob and Mary ordered all the following EXCEPT _________.
A. Steak.
B. Baked salmon.
C. Broccoli.
D. Asparagus
[单项选择]Laundry is, after all, just laundry. Except when it’s not. And Procter & Gamble Co. recently realized that Tide, its segment-dominating cash cow, despite adding three share points in the past year for a total 42% of the category, was in jeopardy of slipping into mere commodity status. That’s when consumers buy on price and habit, which can spell the end of brand growth.
The problem. Tide for the past four years had only advertised mundane stain-fighting messages. Such creative indifference hardly did justice to an iconic brand so cool that Kevin Roberts, CEO of Tide agency Saatchi & Saatchi, wrote in his book, Love marks. The Future Beyond Brands. "I saw Neil Young in a recording studio wearing a sleeveless T-shirt with a Tide logo, and it just screamed possibilities."
So, in an attempt to cultivate Tide’s inner "love mark," new ads now dismiss the notion that laundry detergent is a mere commodity. Instead, they reflect P&G’s conviction that the " relationship" women—they’re
A. the problems for Tide lies in its overall advertisement strategy
B. the advertisement theme for Tide is unique and cool
C. Tide should invite singer to shot TV commercials
D. stain. fighting message can always meet with customer’s demands


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