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发布时间:2024-01-22 07:40:49

[单项选择][听力原文] 女:我周一、周二、周三上午和周四下午在办公室,其他时间都在家。 男:那我明天下午去你办公室。 问:今天是星期几?()
A. 星期一 
B. 星期二 
C. 星期三 
D. 星期四

更多"[听力原文] 女:我周一、周二、周三上午和周四下午在办公室,其他时间"的相关试题:

[单项选择][听力原文] 男:上午没来上课,去哪儿了? 女:医院病人真多,排了一上午队,刚到我就下班了,真倒霉,老师,我明天还得请假。 问:女的是什么人?()
A. 老师 
B. 医生 
C. 病人 
D. 学生
[单项选择][听力原文] ()
A. 8:30 
B. 8:35 
C. 8:40 
D. 8:45
A. 杂志 
B. 地图 
C. 护照 
D. 笔记本
[单项选择][听力原文] 男:请问明天上午有到北京的航班吗? 女:CA1346,10点起飞。 男:有稍晚一点儿的吗? 女:CA6754,下午3点起飞,可以吗? 男:可以,买一张。 问:男的坐哪班飞机?()
A. CA1346 
B. CA3146 
C. CA6754 
D. CA7654
[单项选择][听力原文] 女:我上午把毕业论文交上去了,你呢? 男:我还没修改完,后天估计差不多。最晚什么时候交? 问:男的的论文怎么样了?()
A. 还在修改 
B. 已经交了 
C. 刚完成一半 
D. 已经发表了
[单项选择][听力原文]???? 今天上午,地铁2号线突然发生设备故障,导致列车无法正常运行,现场大批乘客滞留。由于2号线通往上海虹桥国际机场和虹桥火车站,因此发生故障后给准备乘坐飞机和火车的旅客带来了影响。()
A. 地铁里面发生了交通事故 
B. 地铁故障影响了旅客出行 
C. 飞机和火车也发生了晚点 
D. 乘客们都改乘汽车离开了
A. 爸爸没时间休息 
B. 爸爸睡眠不好 
C. 爸爸不爱吃饭 
D. 爸爸工作很忙
[单项选择][听力原文] 女:你好,我想报名参加这个月的普通话水平考试。 男:对不起,报名工作今天上午刚结束。 女:啊,那下一次考试是什么时候? 男:八月十五号,报名时间您可以上我们的网站查一下。 问:下一次考试是几月?()
A. 4月 
B. 5月 
C. 8月 
D. 10月
[单项选择][听力原文] ??经理,您交代的工作是这样安排的:今天上午十点半开会,下午两点参加开业典礼,七点去长城饭店参加代表团的欢送宴会。您看这样行不行? 说话人可能是什么身份?()
A. 经理 
B. 老板 
C. 服务员 
D. 秘书

American higher education offers degrees in many areas of study. A community college student earns an associate degree after two years of general study. The student may then continue at a college or university for another two years to earn a bachelor’s degree. An undergraduate student at a four-year school earns a bachelor’s degree. Students majoring in an area of science receive the bachelor of science, also known by the letters B. S. Arts or humanities students get the bachelor of arts degree, or B. A. Students who continue in school may earn a master’s degree after two or three more years of study. Many Americans earn master’s degrees at night or on the weekends while they are working. One example of this is the MBA, a master’s degree in business administration. Students learn to deal with all kinds of business situations. They develop skills needed by many companies. MBA programs teach about economics, finance and marketing.
A. They can get an associate degree after two years of general study.
B. They can get a bachelor’s degree after two years of general study.
C. They can get a bachelor of science degree after four years of study.
D. They can get a bachelor of arts degree after four years of study.

[单项选择][听力原文] 男:老师,对不起,我本来打算今天上午回来的,可是只买到今天晚上的票。 女:没关系,注意安全。 问:男的什么时候回来?()
A. 现在 
B. 明天 
C. 今天上午 
D. 今天晚上
[单项选择][听力原文] 男:小张,原定后天上午的会改在明天下午三点了,你通知一下其他人。 女:好的,经理,我现在就打电话。 问:会议原来准备什么时候开?()
A. 今天上午 
B. 明天下午 
C. 明天晚上 
D. 后天上午
[单项选择][听力原文] 男:你有自行车吗?我明天上午要去书店。 女:好啊,自行车就在楼下车棚里。 问:男的要女的帮忙干什么?()
A. 买自行车 
B. 去图书馆 
C. 一起去买书 
D. 借自行车

Good morning, everyone Community service is an important component of education here at our university We encourage all students to volunteer for at least one community activity before they graduate. A new community program called "One on One" helps elementary students who’ve fallen behind. You education majors might be especially interested in it, because it offers the opportunity to do some teaching—that is tutoring in math and English. You’ll have to volunteer two hours a week for one semester. You can choose to help a child with math, English or both. Half-hour lessons are fine, so you could do a half hour of each subject two days a week. Professor Howard will act as a mentor to the tutors. He’ll he available to help you with lesson plans or to offer suggestions for activities. He has office hours every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon. You can sign up for the program with him and begin the tutor
A. To explain a new requirement for graduation.
B. To interest students in a community service project.
C. To discuss the problems of elementary school students.
D. To recruit elementary school teachers for a special program.


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