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发布时间:2024-05-27 02:33:31


M: I think that intermarriage is a good idea. After all, we are living in a cosmopolitan country. We have so many different races living together peacefully, don’t we It is nothing new to us, and I feel that inter- marriage will work out
W: Personally, I feel that it is not a very sound idea. It is difficult for two people of entirely different religions to live and share life together. They will face so many problems that it would be better if they don’t get married in the first place.
M: Of course there will be problems. Even two people of the same religion have problems. It is the same in this case. except that it will be slightly more difficult, I guess.
W: I agree with you, Henry. Naturally, there will be arguments and personal differences. Marriage thrives on a give-and-take policy, so a couple will have to learn to adapt to each other’s customs and traditions.
M: That’s right. Married people should be more tolerant to
A. Comparison.
B. Contrast.
C. Casuality.
D. Bias.

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M: I think that intermarriage is a good idea. After all, we are living in a cosmopolitan country. We have so many different races living together peacefully, don’t we It is nothing new to us, and I feel that intermarriage will work out. W: Personally, I feel that it is not a very sound idea. It is difficult for two people of entirely different religions to live and share a life together. They will face so many problems that it would be better if they don’t get married in the first place. M: Of course there will be problems. Even two people of the same religion have problems. It is the same in this case, except that it will be slightly more difficult, I guess. W: I agree with you, Henry. Naturally, there will be arguments and personal differences. Marriage thrives on a give-and-take policy, so a couple will have to learn to adapt to each other’s customs and traditions. M: That’s right. Married people should be more tolerant towards each other and be willing
A. Comparison
B. Contrast
C. Causality
D. Bias


Waiter: Good afternoon.
Mr. Blackmore: Good afternoon. I have a table for two under the name of Blackmore.
Waiter: Yes, sir. Would you like to come this way
Mr. Blaekmore: Thank you.
Waiter: Can I take your coat, madam
Mrs. Blackmore: Thank you.
Waiter: Will this table do for you
Mr. Blackmore: That will be fine, thanks.
Waitress: Would you like a drink before your meal
Mrs. Blackmore: Yes. A dry sherry, please.
Mr. Blackmore: Half of bitter for me.
Waiter: Are you ready to order
Mr. Blackmore: Yes, I think so.
Waiter: What would you like for starters, madam
Mrs. Blackmore: I can’t decide. What do you recommend
Waiter: Well, the prawns are always popular. The pate is very good ...
Mrs. Blackmore: The prawns please, for me.
Waiter: And for you, sir
Mr. Blackmore: I think I’ll try the soup.
Waiter: Very good, sir. And wh


M: Good morning! Can I help you, Madam
W: Good morning! I’m looking for a coat.
M: What color would you like
W: Could you show me some I’d like a middle-sized red coat.
M: Sorry. We haven’t anything of your size.
W: Do you have a smaller size
M: I’m sorry. The small size coats have just been sold out. How about the blue one It looks nice and perhaps fits you.
W: Well, may I try it on
M: Yes, please.
W: It seems nice on me. How much is it
M: 168 yuan.
W: OK. Here is 170 yuan, please.
M: Your change, please. Thank you.
W: You may keep the change. Good-bye.
M: Thank you ! Good-bye !

What was the woman going to buy ( )
A. A coat.
B. A shirt.
C. A sweater.

M: Good morning.
W: Good morning.
M: I would want to know how to make out this check.
W: Right. Erm... do you want to draw out some money
M: Yes, $30.
W: 30 dollars. OK. The first thing you need to do is to write today’s date in the top right hand corner. You must put the year in as well. Now, can you see the word "Pay" over on the left-hand side
M: The first line
W: That’s it. On the first line it says PAY. You just write "Cash" after it.
M: In letters.
W. Yes, in letters. Then underneath (在…之下) that, you have to write the amount (数额) of money you want. So you write $ 30 and then you write ONLY at the end in words. Then at the end of that line where you can see the box, you have to write the amount you want in numbers. And then underneath that box, the last thing you have to do is to write your signature (签字) in the bottom fight-hand corner.
M. Thank you very mu
A. $30.
B. 30 cents.
C. $13.


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