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发布时间:2024-03-29 00:50:36

[单项选择]According to Carter,high school students can protect the environment by
A. staying away from the nature.
B. communicating with parents on environmental issues.
C. stopping using the plastic made things.
D. eating less unhealthy food.

更多"According to Carter,high school stu"的相关试题:

[多项选择]Every year, some senior high school students can enjoy extra points in their college entrance examination, because it is said that they have excellent performance in sports, science, art or other fields. Is the fair play spirit of education ruined by this kind of enrollment policy Should mark adding policy in college entrance exam be perfected or cancelled
Write on ANSWER SHEET THREE a composition of about 200 words on the following topic:
Should Mark Adding Policy in College Entrance Exam Be Perfected or Cancelled
You are to write in three parts.
In the first part, state specifically what your opinion is.
In the second part, provide one or two reasons to support your opinion.
In the last part, bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or make a summary.
Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the instructions may result in a loss of marks.
[填空题]High school means ( ) school.
[填空题]What students on campus will increase according to Harvard’s recent policies
[单项选择]According to Professor Cosse’, students should consider()while writing market entry studies.
A. when to hand them in
B. how to write them
C. who will read them
D. why they write them
[单项选择]According to the author, all the students know that ______.( )
A. it is too dull to attend lectures
B. quite a lot of teachers can produce the results students desire
C. they must be inspired to learn
D. there are great differences among the lecturers as to their quality of teaching
[简答题]According to the passage, why are students of the same achievement level grouped together
[单项选择]According to David, why do some students have difficulty accepting the "restaurant system"
A. They are not used to having meals with others.
B. It takes them too long to get their food.
C. They are uncomfortable having meals with adults.
[单项选择]A high school student is referred to the school nurse for suspected substance abuse. Following the nurse’s assessment and interventions, what would be the most desirable outcome()
A. The student discusses conflicts over drug use.
B. The student accepts a referral to a substance abuse counselor.
C. The student agrees to inform his parents of the problem.
D. The student reports increased comfort with making choices.

Only students ______ grades are high can enter the university. (who; whose; 什么都不填)
[填空题]S6. According to the passage, why are students of the same achievement level grouped together
[单项选择]School phobia can be cured, usually with tranquilizers and psychological methods. Rehabilitation takes about two years. Yet victims who are put in clinics or mental wards often prefer to stay there. Their day is filled with activities like knitting, painting, music, free time, and sports.
Treatment of school phobia is mainly
A. psychological.
B. social.
C. educational.
D. cultural.
[单项选择]Passage Three
Before high school teacher Kimberly Rugh got down to business at the start of a recent school week, she joked with her students about how she’d had to clean cake out of the corners of her house after her 2-year-old son’s birthday party. This friendly combination of chitchat took place not in front of a blackboard but in an, E-mail message that Rugh sent to the 145 students she’s teaching at the Florida Virtual School, one of the nation’s leading online high schools. The school’s motto is "any time, any place, any path, any pace."
Florida’s E-school attracts many students who need flexible scheduling, from young tennis stars and young musicians to brothers Tobias and Tyler Heeb, who take turns working on the computer while helping out. with their family’s clam-farming business on Pine Island, off Florida’s southwest coast. Home
A. what taken as the guiding principle of the Florida Virtual School
B. words placed at the beginning of a book or a chapter
C. a slogan put on the wall
D. words used in advertisements


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