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发布时间:2024-03-29 21:13:01

[单项选择]Today, world leaders are discussing climate change and what-if anything- can be done to combat global warming.Extreme weather conditions have brought home the fact that our climate is changing-and changing fast. It may be easy to be fatalistic about it, but the truth is that although we humans have caused the problem, we also have the solution. " Think global and act local, " said Friends of the Earth founder David Bower. In many small but important ways we can make a difference. Here are my top tips for how to begin:
Count your food miles. What you eat and where you buy it affects global emissions. Pollution from transport is the fastest growing source of carbon dioxide emissions, so it is madness to fly out-of-season vegetables across the world to supermarkets. We should lobby supermarkets for a system of classifying food according to the distance traveled: 0 for local food, 1 for British,2 for Europe, and 3 for intercontinental.
Turn off anything that winks at you. A video
A. electricity
C. hydrogen
D. biofuel

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[单项选择]Today, world leaders are discussing climate change and what-if anything- can be done to combat global warming.Extreme weather conditions have brought home the fact that our climate is changing-and changing fast. It may be easy to be fatalistic about it, but the truth is that although we humans have caused the problem, we also have the solution. " Think global and act local, " said Friends of the Earth founder David Bower. In many small but important ways we can make a difference. Here are my top tips for how to begin:
Count your food miles. What you eat and where you buy it affects global emissions. Pollution from transport is the fastest growing source of carbon dioxide emissions, so it is madness to fly out-of-season vegetables across the world to supermarkets. We should lobby supermarkets for a system of classifying food according to the distance traveled: 0 for local food, 1 for British,2 for Europe, and 3 for intercontinental.
Turn off anything that winks at you. A video
A. his concern over climate change
B. his optimism in finding a way out
C. the necessity of global actions
D. the difficulty in reaching an agreement

In the world of climate change, it is in the Earth’s cold regions where trends can most easily be seen. The cryosphere, where water is found in solid form, is among the most sensitive regions to temperature change.
The sensitivity of ice and snow to temperature changes is an early indicator of even relatively small differences, says University of Colorado at Boulder senior researcher Richard Armstrong. He has found that today’s receding and thinning sea ice, mountain glacier mass losses, decreasing snow extent, melting permafrost (永久冻土), and rising sea level are all consistent with warming.
Global mean temperatures have risen one degree Fahrenheit over the past 100 years. with more than half of the increase occurring in the last 25 years, observes Armstrong who is affiliated with the National Snow and Ice Data Center headquartered at CU-Boulder.
"As slight as that may seem, it’s enough to make a difference, " said Armstrong. &qu
A. in the oceans
B. in icy and snowy regions
C. on high mountains
D. in the south hemisphere


In most parts of the world, climate change is a worrying subject. Not so in California. At a recent gathering of green luminaries—in a film star’s house, naturally, for that is how seriousness is often established in Los Angeles—the dominant note was self-satisfaction at what the state has already achieved. And perhaps nobody is more complacent than Arnold Schwarzenegger. Unlike A1 Gore, a presidential candidate turned prophet of environmental doom, California’s governor sounds cheerful when talking about climate change. As well he might: it has made his political career.


Although California has long been an environmentally-conscious state, until recently greens were concerned above all with smog and redwood trees. "Coast of Dreams", Kevin Stag’s authoritative history of contemporary California, published in 2004, does not mention climate change. In that year, though, the newly-elected Mr. Schwarzenegger m
A. Because California has always been environmentally-conscious.
B. Because Kevin Starr failed to talk about climate change in his book.
C. Because his call for alternative fuels has been most strongly echoed.
D. Because all his other policies met with more acclaim than resistance.


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