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发布时间:2024-03-28 23:42:44

[填空题]We want to visit the Great Wall very much.

更多"We want to visit the Great Wall ver"的相关试题:

[填空题]We want to visit the Great Wall very much.

[填空题]He decided not to visit the Great Wall because it was raining (heavy)()
[填空题]They decided not to visit the Great Wall because it was raining (heavy)()
[单项选择]How we ( ) a chance to visit your great country!
A. looked for
B. longed for
C. waited for
D. went for
[单项选择]______ the wall, we decided that we should need three tins of paint.
A. Making up
B. Doing up
C. Putting up
D. Sizing up.
We Want You!

We are looking for different, fun, interesting, unique, weird people and those who want to make a CHANGE to form the new Exco team! YOO-HOO!!! Be the agent of change. If you feel that you can contribute a lot to the club, please don’t be shy! Join us!
You say, "I’ve got so many things to do already. Think smarter, don’t commit to unnecessary things. " Being busy is NOT an excuse. You will be amazed at how well you can manage! Trust me on this! You’ll be transformed to become a super person and you’ll be so PROUD of yourself! It will be an enjoyable and fulfilling experience!
What is BA Club all about7
We plan events and activities for the school! If you don’t want a boring university life, then YOU should take the step to make it interesting! We don’t have to meet up every week! We will meet if we feel there is a need to. Just to let you know, we don’t really like meetings too...
Great way to mee
[单项选择]A. We want to make others laugh, too.
B. We want to appear optimistic in public.
C. A fake smile or laugh will change into a true laugh.
D. Our bodies can be fooled easily by an act of laughing.
[单项选择]We have to think very carefully before we take any action, because it’s a very ______ situation we are in.
A. ideal
B. favourable
C. good
D. severe
[单项选择]We may be very pleased with the rapid progress we have made in every field of study. But the way to test a student’s knowledge and ability still remains as poor as it was. We have almost done nothing to improve our examination system.
It is well known that the examination system we are now using may be a good way of testing a student’s memory, but it can tell you nothing about a student’s ability. It does no good to students and teachers.
As soon as a child begins school, he enters a world of examination that will decide his future job.
In fact a good examination system should train a student to think for himself. But it now does nothing about that. Students are encouraged to remember what is taught. It does not enable them to gain more new knowledge. The students who come out first in the examination often may not be the best in their studies.
Besides, the examinations often force teachers to train students what to do with the coming examination from time to ti
A. Progress in the Field of Study
B. Teachers’ Role in Study
C. How to Improve Students’ Ability
D. Bad Points of the Examination System


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