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发布时间:2024-05-18 06:53:21

[单项选择]( )the expected worldwide shortage of many resource, recycling of waste will become a necessity.
A. In terms of
B. In accordance
C. In view of
D. In line with

更多"( )the expected worldwide shortage "的相关试题:

[单项选择]How many people worldwide infected with HIV live in sub-Saharan Africa()
A. 45 percent.
B. 60 percent.
C. 25 million.
D. 38 million.
[单项选择]How many people lost their lives worldwide in emergencies in 2008
A. 1,000.
B. 16,000.
C. 250,000.
D. 11,000,000.
[单项选择]For centuries the most valuable of African resources for Europeans were the slaves, but these could be obtained at coastal ports, without any need for going deep inland. Slavery had been an established institution in Africa. Prisoners of war had been enslaved, as were also debtors and individuals guilty of serious crimes. But these slaves usually were treated as part of the family. They had clearly defined rights, and their slave status was not necessarily inherited. Therefore it is commonly argued that Africa’s traditional slavery was mild compared to the trans-Atlantic slave trade organized by the Europeans. This argument, however, can be carried too far. In the most recent study of this subject, some scholars warned against the illusion that "cruel and dehumanizing enslavement was a monopoly of the West. Slavery in its extreme forms, including the taking of life, was common to both Africa and the West. The fact that African slavery had different origins and consequences should not l
A. the Europeans were innocent in the trade of African slaves
B. slavery in Africa and in the West was the same in nature
C. the view in the most recent studies of enslavement is baseless
D. slaves had been treated even more cruelly in the African tradition
[单项选择]During the Second World War, all important resources in the U.S. were allocated by the federal government.
A. nationalized
B. commandeered
C. taxed
D. distributed
Shortage of Fresh Water

[填空题]The chief causes of water shortage are population growth and water pollution.

[单项选择]Zimbabweans cope with the shortage of the dollars that count in various ways. The government grabs them from other people. On February 9th. it told the country’s banks to start selling all their hard- currency inflows to the central bank and the state petrol-importing monopoly, at the official rate. It said that Zimbabwean embassies abroad face power cuts because they cannot pay their bills. But if staff in Moscow felt chilly, the grab did not warm them. Exporters told their customers to delay payments.
Hard-currency inflows fell by some 90%, forcing the government to relent.
Business folk were relieved. The economy is so stormy that many exporters stay afloat only by selling American dollars on the black market. Others try to keep their foreign earnings offshore. This is not easy, since most sell tobacco, gold, roses and other goods that can be observed and recorded as they leave the country. But some quietly set up overseas subsidiaries to buy their own products at artifici
A. funny
B. efficient
C. active
D. useless

Throughout the world there is a shortage of human organs for transplants. In Britain, for example, 6000 people are waiting for organs ——5000 for kidneys, and the (51)  for hearts, lungs and livers. (52) , only about 1750 kidney, 500 heart and lung, and 650 liver transplants are (53)  each year. And the waiting (54)  increases at five percent a year. In the United States only half of the 30000 in need of organs (55)  them.
Hence the great interest in animal-to-human transplants, known as xenografts or xenotransplants (from the Greek work xenos, meaning strange of foreign) (56)  most scientists believe is the only long-term solution to the organ (57). There have been attempts at xenotransplants (58)  the beginning of this century but neither has been successful; the longest (59)  was a 20-day-old baby called Fae, who in 1984 was (60)  the heart of a babo
A. extent
B. foreign
C. outside
D. guest


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