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发布时间:2023-12-23 05:51:28

[单项选择]According to the woman, why should the man learn a foreign language()
A. To entertain himself.
B. To go to other countries.
C. To become more valuable.
D. To broaden his mind.

更多"According to the woman, why should "的相关试题:

[单项选择]A. The woman wondered why the man didn’t return the book.
B. The woman doesn’t seem to know what the book is about.
C. The woman doesn’t find the book useful any more.
D. The woman forgot lending the book to the man.
[单项选择]Why does the woman thank the man
A. He lent her some money.
B. He gave her a five-pound bill.
C. He returned her money found.
[单项选择]Why does the woman refuse the man’s invitation
A. Because she wants to study for a test.
B. Because she wants to go swimming at the student center.
C. Because she has to do research in the library.
D. Because she is not interested in the man.
[单项选择]Why does the woman want the man to call her
A. To tell her the assignment.
B. To buy some medicine for her.
C. To see the doctor with her.
D. To give her an injection.
{$mediaurl}Why does the woman visit the man
A. To pick up a letter of approval for studying abroad.
B. To ask for assistance with changing her major.
C. To receive advice on how to learn a foreign language.
D. To get information on study-abroad opportunities.
[单项选择]Woman: Why have we stopped
Man: Well, Mrs. Smith, you are not using your mirror enough. You must check in the mirror before you pull out. But after all, this is only your second lesson. You are doing fine.
Question: What is the man’s job
A. A laboratory technician.
B. A dentist.
C. A makeup expert.
D. A driving instructor.
why does the woman ask the man to turn on the TV [A]Because she wants to watch the evening news. [B]Because she wants to watch the weather report. [C]Because she wants to watch a famous film.

Conversation 1

Why does the woman call the man?()
A. Invite him to her birthday party.
B. Go shopping.
C. Travel together.
D. See a film.

Conversation 1

Why can’t the woman give the man a definite answer ()
A. She doesn’t know clearly what the plant produces.
B. She hasn’t found suitable buyers.
C. She hasn’t got enough funds.
D. She needs to examine the items further.
[单项选择]Why can’t the woman give the man directions()
A. She doesn’t understand the man’s words.
B. She has never taken the bus before.
C. She has never heard of the university.
D. She is not familiar with the place.
[单项选择]Why does the woman ask the man to turn on the TVA. Because she wants to watch the evening news.B. Because she wants to watch the weather report.C. Because she wants to watch a famous film.
{$mediaurl}Why will the woman see the man again tomorrow
A. To pick up some documents about study-abroad programs.
B. To set up a meeting with a language department professor.
C. To discuss the requirements for students studying abroad.
D. To plan her travel itinerary for her trip to Spain.

Man: Honey, where is my pen
Woman: Why not use your computer Writing by hand takes more time and it isn’t as convenient if you need to make any changes.

Why does the woman suggest using the computer ()
A. It’s more convenient to make changes when using a computer.
B. A computer uses less paper.
C. It’s less expensive to use the computer.
D. Changes are always needed when writin

Man: My car is dirty.
Woman: Why don’t you wash it
Man: (1)
Woman: Are you going to wash it yourself
Man: Of course. (2)
Woman: I’ll help you.
Man: Okay, I’ll get a bucket.
Woman: (3)
Man: Then we can scrub it with a wet sponge and soap.
Woman: (4) we can dry it with a towel.
Man: Then it will look like a new car.
Woman: And you save $10.

1( ).
A. After that,
B. It’s not a hard job.
C. That’s what I’m going to do.
D. I’ll rinse the car first.


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