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发布时间:2024-03-28 18:13:43


"A good newspaper is a nation talking to itself," mused Arthur Miller in 1961. A decade later, two reporters from the Washington Post wrote a series of articles that brought down President Nixon and the status of print journalism soared. At their best, newspapers hold governments and companies to account. They usually set the news agenda for the rest of the media. But in the rich world newspapers are now an endangered species.
Of all the old media, newspapers have the most to lose from the Internet. Circulation has been falling in the U. S., Western Europe and Latin America for decades. But in the past few years the web has hastened the decline. In his book The Vanishing Newspaper, Philip Meyer calculates that the first quarter of 2043 will be the moment when newsprint dies in the U. S. as the last exhausted reader tosses aside the last crumpled edition.
Newspapers have not yet started to shut down in large numbers, but it is only a matter of time. Over
A. A good newspaper is like a national conversation.
B. They do the business of selling words to readers and selling readers to advertisers.
C. They hold governments and companies responsible for what they have done.
D. They usually set the news agenda for the rest of the media.

更多""A good newspaper is a nation "的相关试题:


"A good newspaper is a nation talking to itself," mused Arthur Miller in 1961. A decade later, two reporters from the Washington Post wrote a series of articles that brought down President Nixon and the status of print journalism soared. At their best, newspapers hold governments and companies to account. They usually set the news agenda for the rest of the media. But in the rich world newspapers are now an endangered species.
Of all the old media, newspapers have the most to lose from the Internet. Circulation has been falling in the U. S., Western Europe and Latin America for decades. But in the past few years the web has hastened the decline. In his book The Vanishing Newspaper, Philip Meyer calculates that the first quarter of 2043 will be the moment when newsprint dies in the U. S. as the last exhausted reader tosses aside the last crumpled edition.
Newspapers have not yet started to shut down in large numbers, but it is only a matter of time. Over
A. The most useful bit of the media is disappearing.
B. This is a cause for concern, but not for panic.
C. Newspapers have the whole lot to lose from the Internet.
D. Newspapers hold Governments and companies to accounts.


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