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发布时间:2024-03-29 19:54:58

[单项选择]Which of the following groups is defined as "newlyweds"
Which of the following groups is undergoing an increase of divorces in Japan
A. Newlyweds.
B. Middle-aged couples.
C. Middle-aged and older couples.
D. Senior couples.

更多"Which of the following groups is de"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Which of the following groups is defined as "newlyweds"

Which of the following groups is defined as "newlyweds"
A.Couples who are married for less than two years.
B.Couples who are married for less than five years.
C.Couples who are married for more than five years.
D.Couples who are married for more than twenty years.
A. Couples who are married for less than two years.
B. Couples who are married for less than five years.
C. Couples who are married for more than five years.
D. Couples who are married for more than twenty years.
[单项选择]Which of the following groups of children are NOT mentioned as those underprivileged
A. Inner-city children.
B. Minority children.
C. Handicapped children.
D. Rural children.
[单项选择]Which of the following groups of facts about the reported bomb explosion is TRUE
A. Date: Monday; Place: a Shiite Mosque; Casualties: 16 killed, 30 injured.
B. Date: Monday; Place: a house nearby a Shiite Mosque; Casualties: 17 killed, 30 injured.
C. Date: Sunday; Place: unknown; Casualties: 1 killed.
D. Date: Sunday; Place: a Shiite Mosque; Casualties: 17 killed; 30 injured.
[单项选择]During the fire, he () people into groups which carried sand and water to throw onto the flames.
A. called
B. organized
C. made
D. planned
[单项选择]Among the following statements, which is tree about sea horse( ).
A. The sea horse has a long snout that is not convenient for sucking.
B. Sea horses have no scales at all.
C. The sea horse is unable to grasp sea grass or coral.
D. Sea horse can move very fast over long distance.
[单项选择]In the following sentences, which recipient in English becomes modifier in Chinese()
A. It is raining.
B. We all joined in the battle.
C. He bought tea, coffee, eggs, milk, etc.
D. John hit the pickpocket on the head.
[单项选择]In the following names, which one is associated with Christianity
A. Joseph.
B. Daisy.
C. Ivy.
D. Henry.
[简答题]Comment on the following groups of words to illustrate semantic features and grammatical features of compounds.
Group 1: "a green hand", "flowerpot"
Group 2: "bad-mouth", "new-borns/
[单项选择]Which of the following statements is CORRECT

Which of the following statements is CORRECT
A.The new Egyptian Cabinet will swear in. B.Protesters will be more serious about reforms.
C.A caretaker government will be set up. D.People planned to have parliamentary elections.
A. The new Egyptian Cabinet will swear in.
B. Protesters will be more serious about reforms.
C. A caretaker government will be set up.
D. People planned to have parliamentary elections.
[单项选择]Directions: In each of the following groups of words, there are four underlined letters or letter combinations marked A, B, C and D. Compare the underlined parts and identify the one that is different from the others in pronunciation. Mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.()
A. rural
B. plunge
C. rush
D. rubbish


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