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发布时间:2024-04-17 01:45:06

[单项选择]Even though we have more choice of what to eat than forty years ago, the average diet of the average Briton is less healthy. In fact, according to recent research, British pets, eating specially prepared tinned food, have a healthier diet than most of their owners.
Health ministers were alarmed at recent figures which show that Britain has the third worst record in Europe for heart disease. Cancer is also a growing cause of illness and death. This has led the government to try to launch a campaign to encourage healthier eating habits. Health ministers believe we should take a lesson from America, where death rates from heart disease have fallen. The American public is now much more aware of the link between diet and good health. The campaign will encourage the eating of less animal fat, salt and sugar than are consumed at present. It will show the advantages of eating more fresh fruit and vegetables.
The Health Department is going to issue a booklet which will give guidan
A. The great number of people suffering from heart disease and cancer.
B. The discussions between the government and food manufacturers.
C. The polluted environment.
D. The public’s awareness of health problems.

更多"Even though we have more choice of "的相关试题:

[单项选择]Even though we have more choice of what to eat than forty years ago, the average diet of the average Briton is less healthy. In fact, according to recent research, British pets, eating specially prepared tinned food, have a healthier diet than most of their owners.
Health ministers were alarmed at recent figures which show that Britain has the third worst record in Europe for heart disease. Cancer is also a growing cause of illness and death. This has led the government to try to launch a campaign to encourage healthier eating habits. Health ministers believe we should take a lesson from America, where death rates from heart disease have fallen. The American public is now much more aware of the link between diet and good health. The campaign will encourage the eating of less animal fat, salt and sugar than are consumed at present. It will show the advantages of eating more fresh fruit and vegetables.
The Health Department is going to issue a booklet which will give guidan
A. British people had less choice of food and an unhealthier diet 40 years ago.
B. British people enjoy a better and healthier diet now than 40 years ago.
C. British people have more choice of food but don’t eat as well as they did 40 years ago.
D. Things hardly change as far as what the British people eat is concerned.
[单项选择]Some people have nothing to eat, ______ others eat too much.
A. until
B. unless
C. while
D. if
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[单项选择]"I’m certainly more and more to the conclusion that Iraq has, ______ they maintained (断言) , destroyed almost all of they had in the summer of 1991 ." Blix said.
A. which ... what
B. as ... which
C. as ... that
D. as ... what
[填空题]What must you do to have plenty of time to eat breakfast We must ______ to have plenty of time to eat breakfast.
[填空题]Today more and more people begin to understand that study does not come to an end with school graduation. Education is not just a college (1) ; it is life itself. Many people are not interested in studying at a college, and they are interested in (2) of learning. They may go to a (3) in their own field; they may improve their (4) skills by following television courses. They certainly know that if they know more or learn more, they can get (5) jobs or earn more money.Today more and more people begin to understand that study does not come to an end with school graduation. Education is not just a college (1) ; it is life itself. Many people are not interested in studying at a college, and they are interested in (2) of learning. They may go to a (3) in their own field; they may improve their (4) skills by following television courses. They certainly know that if they know more or learn more, th


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