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发布时间:2024-03-29 04:55:30

[单项选择]Passage TwoIn what way can caffeine benefit one’s health according to the speaker
A. It improves one’s brain function.
B. It increases one’s blood flow.
C. It cleans the water of the body’s ceils.
D. It keeps one away from depression.

更多"Passage TwoIn what way can caffeine"的相关试题:

[填空题]What can one use when one wants to buy stamps in some post offices
One can use().
[填空题]What benefit can middle-aged adults get by sending their parents to a nursing home They can return to their ( ).
[单项选择]What can’t one wear in this company
A. Suit.
B. Jeans.
C. Slacks.
[单项选择]What can a small company benefit from strategy making
A. Avoid wasting time
B. Without experiencing collapse
C. Having more regular customers
[填空题]Swimming is (benefit)()to one’s health.
[单项选择]According to the professor, what is one way that confers meaning and dignity on our existence
A. Church music.
B. Decoration in cathedrals.
C. Overarching vision.
D. The masterpieces.
[单项选择]What can best be said about the way the woman speaks to the man [A] She seems to be in a hurry to leave. [B] She seems to be curious about him. [C] She seems to be happy to help him.
What can be inferred about the French way of communication
A. It could send speech sounds.
B. It could send complicated messages.
C. It could be understood by any French person.
D. It could carry messages over a long distance in just a few seconds.
[简答题]In what way are cooperative learning groups effective
[填空题]In what way does Bolivia increase barriers to doing business

Conversation One

What can the man buy on the train for lunch( )
A. Drinks and sandwiches.
B. Drinks only.
C. Biscuits.
[单项选择]In what way does pheromone work on the same species of plant or animal( )
A. It travels in the water.
B. It travels through the air.
C. It travels in the blood or plant sap.
[单项选择]In what way are the open prisons different from the dosed prisons
A. Some of their prisoners are allowed to study or work outside prisons.
B. Most of their prisoners are expected to work.
C. Their prisoners are often sent to special centers for skill training.
D. Their prisoners are allowed freedom to visit their families.
[简答题]In what way were the puritans different from the Pilgrims
[单项选择]In what way is jazz music different from other kinds of music
A. It is very inspiring and exciting.
B. It doesn’t need wind instrument.
C. It is a combination of folk music and rock music.
D. It has a different kind of rhythm.
[填空题]in what way is Topica’ s solution helping Internet retailers
Topica’ s solution is already helping Internet retailers get better returns from their current online programs, and develop ______.


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