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发布时间:2024-03-29 00:18:01

The Science of Memory: An Infinite Loop in the Brain

Jill Price can rattle off, without hesitation, what she saw and heard on almost any given date. She remembers many early childhood experiences and most of the days between the ages of 9 and 15. There are virtually no gaps in her memory.
She can also date events that were reported in the media, provided she heard about them at the time. When and where did the Concorde crash When was O.J. Simpson arrested When did the second Gulf War begin Price doesn’t even have to stop and think. She can effortlessly recite the dates, numbers and entire stories.
"People say to me: Oh, how fascinating, it must be a treat to have a perfect memory," she says. Her lips twist into a thin smile. "But it’s also agonizing."
In addition to good memories, every angry word, every mistake, every disappointment, every shock and every moment of pain goes unforgotten. Time heals no wounds for
A. she preferred to learn poems only
B. she had difficulties memorizing series of numbers
C. she only remembered facts that directly related to daily life
D. she didn’t pay much attention to her study

更多"The Science of Memory: An Infinite "的相关试题:

The Science of Memory: An Infinite Loop in the Brain

Jill Price can rattle off, without hesitation, what she saw and heard on almost any given date. She remembers many early childhood experiences and most of the days between the ages of 9 and 15. There are virtually no gaps in her memory.
She can also date events that were reported in the media, provided she heard about them at the time. When and where did the Concorde crash When was O.J. Simpson arrested When did the second Gulf War begin Price doesn’t even have to stop and think. She can effortlessly recite the dates, numbers and entire stories.
"People say to me: Oh, how fascinating, it must be a treat to have a perfect memory," she says. Her lips twist into a thin smile. "But it’s also agonizing."
In addition to good memories, every angry word, every mistake, every disappointment, every shock and every moment of pain goes unforgotten. Time heals no wounds for
A. it just brings her good memory
B. it also causes her some troubles
C. she appreciates those praises
D. she is gifted by God
Science and Scientist

The word science is heard so often in modern times that almost everybody has some notion of its meaning. On the other hand, its definition is difficult for many people. The meaning of the term is confusing, but everyone should understand its meaning and objectives. Just to make the explanation as simple as possible, suppose science is defined as classified knowledge (facts).
Even in the true sciences distinguishing fact from fiction is not always easy. For this reason great care should be taken to distinguish between beliefs and truths. There is no danger as long as a clear difference is made between temporary and proved explanations. For example, hypotheses (假设) and theories are attempts to explain natural phenomena. From these positions the scientist continues to experiment and observe until they are proved or discredited (使不相信). The exact status of any explanation should be clearly labeled to avoid confus
A. the study of unrelated subjects
B. an attempt to explain natural phenomena
C. the study of unrelated fields
D. classified knowledge
[多项选择]Science and Human Life
In modern times science to human beings is like food to our bodies. ____________________
But when it is wrongly used, its destructive power is uncontrollable and terrible. ____________________
People are trying hard to make better use of science. ____________________

There are three kinds of memory: sense memory, working memory, and long-term memory. Think of them as three connected rooms in which you store different kinds of memories.
The first kind of memory is sense memory. Everything you are sensing right now is stored here. Perhaps you feel the sun on your face or smell the aroma(香味) of food. Sense memories last only a few seconds, but they connect one moment to the next. They give your life a flow, even though they are quickly forgotten.
You keep a few items(条目) in working memory. These are memories you need for what you are doing. Suppose you look up a friend’s telephone number in the phone book. You’ll probably remember the number for a little while. But if you get distracted(分神), you might quickly forget it. A memory usually stays in your working memory for just a few days at most. Working memory has another limit, too. Only a small number of items fit into it at any given time.<
A. It’s your preference for certain food.
B. It’s something you did a while ago.
C. It’s a memory of the distant past.
D. It’s an immediate memory.


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