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发布时间:2024-03-29 19:54:54

[填空题] How to Present a Seminar Paper
To involve their students more actively in the learning process, many
university teachers usually conduct seminars, in which one student is asked to
give his ideas on a certain topic and other students discuss the ideas.
There are two stages involved in presenting a paper at a seminar. One
is the (1)______stage which includes researching and writing up a topic. (1) ______
The other stage is the presentation stage when you actually present the paper
to the audience.
Two ways in which you can present your paper: a. (2) ______copies (2) ______
of your paper beforehand to all the participants so that they could read it
before the seminar and know about your ideas, b. Reading it aloud to the (3) ______
who are likely to make their own notes. Comparatively (3) ______
speaking, the first method is the more (4) ______way of

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[填空题] How to Present a Seminar Paper
To involve their students more actively in the learning process, many
university teachers usually conduct seminars, in which one student is asked to
give his ideas on a certain topic and other students discuss the ideas.
There are two stages involved in presenting a paper at a seminar. One
is the (1)______stage which includes researching and writing up a topic. (1) ______
The other stage is the presentation stage when you actually present the paper
to the audience.
Two ways in which you can present your paper: a. (2) ______copies (2) ______
of your paper beforehand to all the participants so that they could read it
before the seminar and know about your ideas, b. Reading it aloud to the (3) ______
who are likely to make their own notes. Comparatively (3) ______
speaking, the first method is the more (4) ______way of
[单项选择]No matter how you look on paper, no matter how well you present yourself, no matter how well you answer their questions, you will not get the job unless you make a personal connection with the interviewer. I need to know from the very start that you are someone I can trust to represent my company and me. How do you establish that trust Simple. At the very beginning of the interview, when the introductions are being made, concentrate on looking directly and solidly into the interviewer’s eyes, giving them your sweetest and most endearing smile. I tend to think of it as a "shy smile." The bottom line is to make it a warm and friendly smile. Then think about the fact that you are truly pleased to be there in the presence of this person. Establish that personal connection both physically and mentally with the interviewer.
How do you know when the connection is made When they return your smile in a comfortable, relaxed manner, you are connected and ready to communicate on a personal le
A. To prepare a good paper and all the materials needed.
B. To make a personal connection with the interviewer.
C. To answer the interviewer’s question well.
D. To present myself as well as possible.


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