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发布时间:2023-10-28 02:07:32

[填空题]I advised he went at once.

更多"I advised he went at once."的相关试题:

[填空题]He was advised that he (take),()some courses before he finds a job.
[单项选择]The doctor advised that he ______ smoking immediately.
A. stops
B. stopped
C. stop
D. will stop
[单项选择]When I asked him to pay me what he owed, he went purple with ().
A. rage
B. anger
C. indignation
D. resentment

M: Can I speak to Peter
W: He went out about an hour ago. Can 1 take a message
M: Yes, this is Globe Travel. Could you tell him his ticket is ready
W: OK, I’ll do that.

What do we know about Peter( ).
A. He has lost his ticket.
B. He is expecting a ticket.
C. He went out to buy a ticket.

M: Can I speak to Peter Schmidt
W: He went out about an hour ago. Can I take a message
M: Yes. This is Global Travel. Could you tell him his ticket’s ready
W: OK. I’ll do that.

What do we know about Peter Schmidt( ).
A. He has lost his ticket.
B. He is expecting a ticket.
C. He went out to buy a ticket.
D. He collects tickets.
[单项选择]When he went out, he would wear sunglasses ______ nobody would recognize him.
A. so that
B. now that
C. as though
D. in case
[单项选择]I went to see William, ______that he had left two days before.
A. only to learn
B. only learning
C. to learn
D. learned
[简答题]That day, he went there very early. He was all smile on the way. All things seem benign to him. The ground there was covered with a mist of bluebells, and nearly a score of crabapple trees were in full bloom. He threw himself down on the grass. The change from the buttercup glory and oak - goldened glamour of the fields to this ethereal beauty under the gray for filled him with a sort of wonder; nothing the same, save the sound of running water and the songs of the cuckoos. He lay there a long time, watching the sunlight wheel till the crab - trees threw shadows over the bluebells, his only companions a few wild bees. He was not quite sane, thinking of that morning’s kiss, and of tonight under the apple tree. In such a spot as this fauns and dryads surely live; nymphs, white as the crab -apple blossom, retired within those trees; fauns, brown as the dead bracken, with pointed ears. lay in wait for them. The cuckoos were still calling when he woke, there was tile sound of running- wa
[单项选择]A. He is old. B. He is tall.
C. He is an engineer. D. He is well.
[单项选择]A) He is confident. B) He is worried.
C) He is bored. D) He is angry.
[单项选择]He has to appear at court tomorrow morning as he is ______ speeding.
A. reported as
B. accused of
C. blamed for
D. cursed for
[填空题]When he got to the crossroads, he went in the wrong (direct)______.
[单项选择]A. We went swimming.
B. He went swimming.
C. We didn’t go swimming.
D. He didn’t go swimming.
[单项选择]( ) he was physically able, he went to work in the fields.
A. In case
B. As Ions as
C. Although
D. Despite
[简答题]Before his departure, he was advised by his parents to______(尽快适应新的环境).


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