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发布时间:2023-10-21 17:59:57

[填空题]Studies have shown that students who take several tests learn more than _________________________________(看完资料只参加一次测试的学生).

更多"Studies have shown that students wh"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Studies have shown that people who rarely take antibiotics, which are antibacterial drugs, have stronger immune systems than do people who take antibiotics frequently. Yet there is no evidence that taking antibiotics weakens the immune system. Which of the following, if true, best reconciles the apparent discrepancy in the information above
A. People who have strong immune systems seldom get the kinds of infections for which people normally take antibiotics
B. People who have strong immune systems are seldom aware that their immune systems are unusually strong
C. People who have weak immune systems have great difficulty recovering from bacterial infections if they do not take antibiotics
D. Some people take antibiotics even though the antibiotics cause a variety of side effects
E. Some people take antibiotics frequently because their doctors prescribe antibiotics for viral infections as well as for bacterial infections

This program will take kids who have a manifest history of violent acts()

A. determined
B. demonstrated
C. administrated
D. distinguished
[填空题]Several studies have established that wind energy produces more Jobs per dollar invested or per kilowatt-hour generated than______.

[填空题]During the past few years, several bridges have been built and ______ (与该国内地的联系) have been facilitated.
[单项选择]Several experts have been called in to( )plan for boating, tennis, refreshments and children’s game in the projected town park.
A. equipment
B. instruments
C. implement
D. facilities
[填空题]Several villages have been()(isolation) by the floods.
[单项选择]______several hypotheses have been advanced for the disappearance of the dinosaur; no conclusive evidence supports any of them.
A. Despite
B. In spite of
C. Although
D. In spite of the fact
[填空题]What did several countries take part in 1864

There have been several claims to have cloned humans over the past few years. Most have been bogus. But the announcement made this week by Woo Suk Hwang, of Seoul National University in South Korea, and his colleagues, is serious. It is the first to achieve the accolade of publication in a peer-reviewed scientific journal. Dr. Hwang s work appears in Science.
The terminology of human development has become slippery over the past few years, in the hands of both "life-begins-at-conception" propagandists who want to stop this sort of research, and publicity-seeking scientists who have claimed more than they have really achieved. What Dr. Hwang and his team have created is not what developmental biologists would normally refer to as an embryo. But it is a genuine scientific advance. South Korea’s researchers have taken egg cells from volunteer women, removed the nuclei from those cells (which contain only half of the genetic complement required to make a human
A. Different.
B. Fake.
C. Bold.
D. Genuine.


What did several countries take part in in 1864
Several recent studies have gained wide attention for reconfirming the tragic disconnection of millions of black youths from the American mainstream. Harry Holzer, an economist at Georgetown University and a co-author of one of the recent studies, feels joblessness is due to largely weak schooling, a lack of reading and math skills at a time when such skills are increasingly required even for blue-collar jobs. Unable to find jobs, he claims, black males turn to illegal activities, especially the drug trade and chronic drug use, and often end up in prison.
As usual, it fails to answer the important questions. Why are young black men doing so poorly in school that they lack basic literacy and math skills Scholars must have known that countless studies by educational experts have found that poor schools, per se(本质上), do not explain why after 10 years o
A. They have created a culture of their own.
B. They are prevented by their self-respect.
C. They are totally involved in the culture they have created.
D. They are indifferent to the socioeconomic mainstream.


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