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发布时间:2024-05-26 01:23:29

Starting over: Rebuilding Civilisation from Scratch

The way we live is mostly down to accidents of history. So what if we thought it through properly
In just a few thousand years, we humans have created a remarkable civilisation: cities, transport networks, governments, vast economies full of specialised labour and a host of cultural labels. It all just about works, but it’s hardly a model of rational design--instead, people in each generation have done the best they could with what they inherited from their predecessors. As a result, we’ve ended up trapped in what, in review, look like mistakes. What sensible engineer, for example,would build a sprawling, low-density megalopolis (巨大城市) like Los Angeles on purpose
Suppose we could try again. Imagine that Civilisation 1.0 evaporated tomorrow, leaving us with unlimited manpower, a willing populace and--most important--all the knowledge we’ve accumulated about what works, w

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Starting over: Rebuilding Civilisation from Scratch

The way we live is mostly down to accidents of history. So what if we thought it through properly
In just a few thousand years, we humans have created a remarkable civilisation: cities, transport networks, governments, vast economies full of specialised labour and a host of cultural labels. It all just about works, but it’s hardly a model of rational design--instead, people in each generation have done the best they could with what they inherited from their predecessors. As a result, we’ve ended up trapped in what, in review, look like mistakes. What sensible engineer, for example,would build a sprawling, low-density megalopolis (巨大城市) like Los Angeles on purpose
Suppose we could try again. Imagine that Civilisation 1.0 evaporated tomorrow, leaving us with unlimited manpower, a willing populace and--most important--all the knowledge we’ve ac
A. The world we live in has too many accidents.
B. The remarkable civilizations were all works of the past.
C. The civilization we built is not a rational design.
D. The cities today have too much population.

[单项选择]Starting from the pre-linguistic cooing and babbling stage, children move through the( )stages, gradually acquiring all the elements and skills of language.
A. one-word, two-word and three-word
B. one-word, two-word and multiword
C. one-word, multiword and sentence
D. one-word, two-word, three-word and multiword

Unlike most sports, which evolved over time from street games, basketball was (31) by one man to suit a particular purpose. The man was Dr. James Naismith, and his purpose was to invent a (32) game that could be played indoors in the winter.
In 1891, Naismith was an instructor at a training school, which trained physical education instructors for the YMCAs. That year the school was trying (33) up with a physical activity that the men could enjoy (34) the football and baseball seasons. None of the standard indoor activities (35) their interest for long. Naismith was asked to solve the problem by the school.
He first tried to (36) some of the popular outdoor sports, but they were all too rough. The men were getting bruised from (37) each other and (38) hit with equipment. So, he decided to invent a game that would incorporate the most common elements of outdoor team sports without having the real physical (3
A. few
B. much
C. many
D. little


What will happen if Francie’s care were get scratched a. She would lose her temper. b. She might feel at a loss. c. She might cry bitterly. d. She would fight with the one who scratched her car.
[单项选择]You recently took over a large project from another project manager who had to leave for a personal emergency.You want to understand what kind of information should he provided to different stakeholders,and what methods should he used to provide this information.You will find this information in the______.
A. communications management plan
B. performance reports
C. project records
D. communication plan

Demonstrators from all over Italy gathered in a Rome square Saturday for the Family Day rally. They listened to songs like this one whose words evoked the need for children to have both a mother and a father. Married couples with their children raised their voices to protest a proposed law that would give greater rights to unmarried couples, including gays and lesbians. This woman says the family is important because society is based on the ~family and it is a value for everyone, not just Christians. Lay Catholic groups and family associations organized the rally. They stressed the importance of policies that will favor the traditional family unit and family values based on marriage between a man and a woman. Thousands of supporters of the controversial bill organized a counter-rally in Rome’s famed Piazza Navona square. They said Italy would be a more civilized country if it gave rights to unmarried and gay couples. The draft legislation still requires parliamentary approv
A. Married couples.
B. Demonstrators.
C. Children.
D. Family associations.


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