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发布时间:2024-03-29 20:54:45

[单项选择]Her voice is distinct and (unique). You can tell her voice immediately.
A. common
B. species
C. specific
D. special

更多"Her voice is distinct and (unique)."的相关试题:

[单项选择]Her voice is distinct and (unique). You can tell her voice immediately.
A. common
B. species
C. specific
D. special
[填空题]You can tell her I would like to see her (person)()if it causes her no trouble.
[填空题]Can you tell me who can best _____ the problems
[单项选择]A.Why she should tell her students about her plans.
B. What he plans to do when she’s on the long leave.
C. Why she can’t take a long leave next semester.
D. Why her students weren’t surprised by her announcement.
Why didn’t she tell her boss about her appointment (约会) A. Because she thought the work wouldn’t take long. B. Because she thought the work wasn’t hard to do. C. Because she didn’t think the boss would let her go.
[多项选择] Can you tell me why you choose your particular career (What sparked your interest in your major How did you first get involved in your career What promoted your interest in fashion How did you first get involved in the design industry)
[单项选择]Why did the man tell her to turn to the television repairman
A. The shop was easy to find.
B. The repairman was his friend.
C. They did good work and the price was reasonable.
[单项选择]Can you tell Mary ______ her twin (双胞胎) sister
A. to B. with
C. between D. from
[多项选择] Can you tell us why you decided to learn English (Could you tell us which foreign languages you think will be most important in the future in China)
[单项选择]From the passage, you can tell that people prefer glass fibre cables to copper cables because ______.
A. glass fibres are less expensive B. glass fibres deliver message directly
C. glass fibres are more up to date D. glass fibre are easier to make
[填空题]The usual doctor couldn’t tell her what was wrong, so she had to see a (special) ______.

[简答题]I thought she would scold me. She let me tell her my troubles. (compound sentence)


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