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发布时间:2023-10-21 17:26:24

[填空题]Wir lesen noch chinesisch______ Ueberstzungen, aber bald verstehen wir sie auf Deutsch.

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[填空题]Wir lesen noch chinesisch___ Ueberstzungen, aber bald verstehen wir sie auf Deutsch.
[简答题]Heute schtzen wir die Erkenntnisse, die wir durch das Studium der menschlichen Psyche gewinnen knnen; (Z. 79.80) Heute schtzen wir die Erkenntnisse, die durch das Studium der menschlichen Psyche _______________________________________ knnen.
[简答题]In Deutschland arbeiten wir 5Tage pro Woche.
[判断题]Nur fuer Maedchen In Deutschland gibt es nur noch wenige Maedchschulen , denn bis vor kurzem glaubte man, dass Maedchenschulen altmodisch und konservativ. Neue Studien zeigen aber, dass Maedchen ohne Jungen besser lernen koennen. Deshalb haben Maedchen jetzt an einigen gemischten Schulen bestimmte Faecher wie Chemie, Physik und Informatik nicht mit den Jungen zusammen. Dabei hat sich gezeigt, dass sich die Maedchen in diesen Klassen mehr fuer Chimie und Physik interessieren und dann auch bessere Noten haben. Frau Reimer, Lehrerin an einer Maedchenschule, sagt:“ Fuer Maedchen, die gut und viel lernen wollen, ist eine reine Maedchenschule ideal. Mit Jungen zusammen haben sie oft Angst. Sie wollen keine falsche Antwort geben und keine dumme Frage stellen und sagen dann lieber gar nichts, wenn Jungen dabei sind.“ Einige Schuelerinnen an Maedchenschulen finden, dass die Pausen ohne Jungen langweilig sind. Jungen koennen sie nur in der Friezeit, im Tanzkurs oder in der Disko am Wochenende
A. 亲和素
B. 生物素
C. 抗体
D. 补体
E. 抗原
Shut-Ins in Japan

Akiko Abe has barely seen her 25-year-old son in six years, yet they live in the same small house. He leaves his room only when he’s sure his parents are out or asleep, she said. She can tell when he has used the kitchen, and she knows he goes to the living room to watch television and use the computer at night.
She has waited patiently for him to tire of his isolation, sometimes standing outside his door and talking, to herself as much as to him. But, afraid that many more years would pass like this, she finally approached an organization that works with shut-ins by making home visits. "It will be difficult, because he won’t open his door," she said quietly.
As many as a million Japanese—most of them young men—are considered shut-ins, either literally cloistered(隐居)in their rooms or refusing to work and avoiding all social con tact for periods ranging from six months to more than 10 years. Forty-one perc
Shut-Ins in Japan

Akiko Abe has barely seen her 25-year-old son in six years, yet they live in the same small house. He leaves his room only when he’s sure his parents are out or asleep, she said. She can tell when he has used the kitchen, and she knows he goes to the living room to watch television and use the computer at night.
She has waited patiently for him to tire of his isolation, sometimes standing outside his door and talking, to herself as much as to him. But, afraid that many more years would pass like this, she finally approached an organization that works with shut-ins by making home visits. "It will be difficult, because he won’t open his door," she said quietly.
As many as a million Japanese—most of them young men—are considered shut-ins, either literally cloistered(隐居)in their rooms or refusing to work and avoiding all social con tact for periods ranging from six months to more than 10 years. Forty-one percent li
A. They do not live in the same place.
B. The son returned to home very late.
C. The son leaves his room only when he’s sure his parents are out or asleep.
D. The parents are very indifferent to their son.


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