发布时间:2024-05-27 01:21:57

[单项选择]用英语拍卖时,“The buyer shall not deny the bid offered.”表示: (1) 竞买人不必发声报价 (2) 竞买人不得恶意串通 (3) 竞买人一经应价不得反悔
A. (1)
B. (2)
C. (3)

更多"用英语拍卖时,“The buyer shall not deny th"的相关试题:

[单项选择]用英语拍卖时,“Who’ll bid for it”一句表示: (1) 请问有人出价吗 (2) 请问您出什么价 (3) 请问是您出价吗
A. (1)
B. (2)
C. (3)
[单项选择]用英语拍卖时,“There are 50 lots to be sold in this auction.”一句表示: (1) 本场拍卖共有50位竞买人 (2) 本场拍卖共有50件编号拍品 (3) 本场拍卖共有50件无底价拍品
A. (1)
B. (2)
C. (3)
[单项选择]用英语拍卖时,“$2000 shall be paid as the deposit.”一句表示: (1) 须交纳保证金2000元 (2) 须交佣金2000元 (3) 须交定金2000元
A. (1)
B. (2)
C. (3)
[判断题]“The buyer shall pay 100%of the sales proceeds to the seller by T/T against the fax of B/L”是属于“装运后见提单传真件T/T”支付条款。 ( )
[单项选择]用英语拍卖时,“$200 on my right now”一句不表示: (1) 右边有人出价到200元 (2) 左边有人出价到200元 (3) 前边有人出价到200元
A. (1)
B. (2)
C. (3)
[单项选择]《最高法院民事执行中拍卖、变卖财产的规定》第8条规定:“人民法院确定的保留价,第一次拍卖时,不得低于评估价或者市价的( )”。
A. 90%
B. 60%
C. 70%
D. 80%
[判断题]房屋、土地、文物艺术品拍卖时通常有保留价。 ( )
[单项选择]What is the evidence to deny animal experimentation
A. Some side effects cannot be communicated by animals.
B. Animal experimentation is extremely cruel to animals.
C. Human beings benefit nothing from animal experimentation.
D. Animal experimentation is not so effective as some people have boaste
A. 20%
B. 50%
C. 80%
D. 90%
[单项选择]Politician: Nobody can deny that homelessness is a problem yet there seems to be little agreement on how to solve it. One thing, however, is clear: ignoring the problem will not make it go away. Only if the government steps in and provides the homeless with housing will this problem disappear, and this necessitates increased taxation. For this reason, we should raise taxes.
Which one of the following principles, if valid, most supports the politician’s argument
A. Only if a measure is required to solve a problem should it be adopted.
B. Only if a measure is sufficient to solve a problem should it be adopted.
C. If a measure is required to solve a problem, then it should be adopted.
D. If a measure is sufficient to solve a problem, then it should be adopted.
E. (E) If a measure is sufficient to solve a problem, any steps necessitated by that measure should be adopted.

No one can deny that pesticides have improved the ability of farmers to bring their crops to market. (1) pesticides, farmers no longer have to worry that they will lose an entire crop (2) an army of cut worms(毛虫)or fruit flies. (3) , Americans can rely on a large and varied food supply.
However, we Americans need to become more (4) about the effects those pesticides on our food. More (5) , we need to think about what new (6) is necessary to protect ourselves from a (7) too rich in pesticide residue. If we don’t demand greater (8) on pesticide use, we may be surprised, dismayed, and (9) horrified by the consequence of its use.
On the most obvious level, farm workers who continue to use the pesticides (10) their present rate will be (11) serious disease. It’s no (12) that farmers (13) to herbicides: have a six times greater risk of getting cancer. (14) , chi
A. assumption
B. consumption
C. presumption
D. acquisition


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