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更多"Terms of payment:30% by T/T before "的相关试题:

[填空题]The world Health Organization define in terms in terms of mental , physical and social well-being in the year of ______.

[填空题]I think you should consider our terms before making a decision.

[单项选择]I had to get () about the subject before I write the paper.
A. a few more informations
B. a little more information
C. a few more information
D. a little more informations
[单项选择]What did most European scholars believe before 17th century about-the size of the universe

[单项选择]In designing a logistical system, a delicate balance must be maintained between transportation cost and ( ).
A. management
B. information flow
C. service quality
D. service quantity
[单项选择]I don't remember( )the lights before I left. But the lights are out.
A. turn off
B. turned off
C. to turn off
D. turning off

Passage One
In the simplest terms, a market is the place where seller meets buyer to exchange products for money. Traditional markets still function in ninny parts of the world. Even in the United Sates, during summer months, there are farmers’ markets where direct selling and buying take place between producers and consumers. Most service industries still operate at this market level.
Manufacturing industries and most agricultural enterprises are more distant from the consumer. Their products pass through several hands-truckers, warehouse workers, wholesalers, and retailers before reaching the final consumer.
Products, or commodities are usually divided into two types: consumer and industrial. Consumer goods are those that are sold to final users, the customers. These goods include food, clothing, automobiles, television sets, appliances, and all those things people go to stores to purchase.
Industrial goods are those that are
A. their products are never sold directly into consumers' hands
B. they usually build their factories far away from markets
C. they usually need agents to sell and deliver their goods into consumers' hands
D. they have used trucks to carry their products to consumers' hands

[填空题]The Indians had invented the hammock long before the Europeans came to South America.

[填空题]When must the sonar devices be placed
Before the ______.

[单项选择]If the batik’s statement agrees with my bank balance, it does not follow indisputably that the balance is correct.( )
A. indispensably
B. unquestionably
C. disreputably
D. consequently
[多项选择]In terms of English onomatopoeic words, which of the following statements can be regarded as the truth()
A. They can be used as verbs, adjectives, adverbs and nouns.
B. In fact they are used most frequently as nouns and verbs, the two most forceful word classes.
C. Onomatopoeic words are small in number in English but they are very active.
D. The grammatical functions they can serve include the subject, the predicate, the object, the attribute and the adverbial.
[单项选择]Crops can be traded on the futures market before they are harvested. If a poor corn harvest is predicted, prices of corn futures rise; if a bountiful corn harvest is predicted, prices of corn futures fall. This morning meteorologists are predicting much-needed rain for the corn-growing region starting tomorrow. Therefore, since adequate moisture is essential for the current crop’s survival, prices of corn futures will fall sharply today.
Which of the following, if true, most weakens the argument above
A. Corn that does not receive adequate moisture during its critical pollination stage will not produce a bountiful harvest.
B. Futures prices for corn have been fluctuating more dramatically this season than last season.
C. The rain that meteorologists predicted for tomorrow is expected to extend well beyond the corn-growing region.
D. Agriculture experts announced today that a disease that has devastated some of the corn crop will spread widely before the end of the growing season.
E. (E) Most people who trade in corn futures rarely take physical possession of the corn they trade.
[单项选择]Dirty Britain
Before the grass has thickened on the roadside verges and leaves have started growing on the trees is a perfect time to look around and see just how dirty Britain has become. The pavements are stained with chewing gum that has been spat out and the gutters are full of discarded fast food cartons. Years ago I remember travelling abroad and being saddened by the plastic bags, discarded bottles and soiled nappies at the edge of every road. Nowadays, Britain seems to look at least as had. What has gone wrong
The problem is that the rubbish created by our increasingly mobile lives lasts a lot longer than before. If it is not cleared up and properly thrown away, it stays in the undergrowth for years; a semi-permanent reminder of what a tarry little country we have now.
Firstly, it is estimated that 10 billion plastic bags have been given to shoppers. These will take anything from 100 to 1,000 years to rot. However, it is not as if there is no solution to t
A. followed the Irish example with a tax on plastic bags
B. tried to follow the Irish example with a tax on plastic bags
C. made no attempt to follow the Irish example with a tax on plastic bags
D. had problems with the plastics industry who wasn’t bothered about the tax


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