发布时间:2024-04-17 00:14:26

[单项选择]A55-year-old man come to see the doctor with a chief complaint of insomnia two days,hehas drunk alcoholic beverage about 30 years.He has tried to quit drinking several times,but he has been un-abletostop.Twodays ago ,he tried to stop drinking once again.He states that he goes to sleep difficult-1y,feels nausea and anxiety.For this patient,which of the following treatment is best()
A. antipsychotic
B. antidepressant drug
C. benzodiazepine
D. anticholinergic agents
E. clinical observation

更多"A55-year-old man come to see the do"的相关试题:

[单项选择]What time will the man see the doctor
A. 9: 15 Tuesday.
B. 9: 15 Thursday.
C. 15: 00 Thursday.
[填空题]When did Miss Green come again to see her doctor
[单项选择]Once an old man went to see a doctor. The doctor looked him over carefully and said, "Medicine won’t help you. You must have a good rest. Go to bed early, drink milk, walk a lot and smoke one cigar a day. Go to the country place for a month."
After a month the man came to the doctor again, "How are you " said the doctor, "I’m glad to see you again. You look much younger." "Oh! Doctor, I feel quite well now," said the man, "l had a good rest. I went to bed early, drank much milk and walked a lot. Your advice really helped me, but you told me to smoke one cigar a day almost killed me first. It’s no joke to start smoking at my age!/

The old man went to see the doctor for______times.
A. one
B. two
C. three
[单项选择]Why did the man go to see his doctor
A. To find out if he has the flu.
B. To find out how to maintain a nutritious diet.
C. To find out how to prevent illness.
D. To find out the results of a blood test.
[单项选择]Come and see me whenever

A. you are convenient
B. you will be convenient
C. it is convenient to you
D. it will be convenient to you
[单项选择]What did the man see
[单项选择]—Has the doctor come yet
—No, but he ______ now, for it's been 2 hours since he was ______.
[单项选择]How many animals can the man see
[单项选择]Where did the man see Miss Zhang
A. He saw Miss Zhang in the shop.
B. He saw Miss Zhang on his way back home.
C. He saw Miss Zhang on his way going home.


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