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发布时间:2024-03-18 01:04:05

[单选题]which of the following is true about spoiler
A. When a spoiler surface on one wing fails, the symmetric one on the other wing is inhibited.
B. If the system loses hydraulic pressure, the spoiler retains a lesser deflection if aerodynamic forces push it down.
C. all of the above

更多"[单选题]which of the following is true"的相关试题:

[单选题]Which of the following is true about spoiler's surfaces will automatically extend in case of a rejected takeoff.
A. If the ground spoilers are armed and the speed exceeds 72 kt, the ground spoilers will automatically extend as soon as both thrust levers are reset to idle.
B. If the ground spoilers are not armed and the speed exceeds 72 kt, the ground spoilers will automatically extend as soon as reverse is selected on one engine (the other thrust lever remains at idle).
C. all of the above
[单选题]Which of the following is true about the supply to AC ESS BUS
A. The AC ESS BUS is normally supplied by AC BUS 1. It is automatically supplied by AC BUS 2, when AC BUS 1 is lost.
B. In case of a total loss of the main generators, the AC ESS BUS is automatically supplied by the emergency generator, or by the static inverter, if the emergency generator is not available.
C. all of the above
[单选题]Which of the following is true about the fire detection system
A. Each engine has Two identical gas detection loops (A and B). As soon as loops A and B detect temperature at a preset level, they trigger the fire warning system.
B. A fault in one loop (break or loss of electrical supply) does not affect the warning system.
C. all of the above
[单选题]which of the following is true about roll control
A. One aileron and four spoilers on each wing control the aircraft about the roll axis.
B. The ailerons extend 5 ° down when the flaps are extended (aileron droop).
C. all of the above
[单选题]Which of the following is true about the smoke configuration in electrical
A. there have no influence on equipment that supplied by hot buses
B. all the main busbars will be shed.
C. all of the above
[单选题]Which of the following is true about the ALTN of AC ESS FEED pb
A. The AC ESS BUS is supplied by AC BUS 1.
B. The AC ESS BUS is supplied by AC BUS 2.
C. The AC ESS BUS is supplied by emergency generator.
[单选题]Which of the following is true about the lavatory smoke detection and extinguishing?
A. Each lavatory wastebin has an automatic fire extinguishing system.
B. When a detector finds smoke in a lavatory, it sends a signal to the CIDS, which transmits it to the Flight Warning Computer (FWC), for Warning in the cockpit, and generates an indication in the cabin.
C. all of the above
[单选题]Which of the following is true about the cargo smoke detection?
A. The cargo compartments have a smoke detection system;Cavities in the cargo compartment ceiling panels each hold two smoke detectors.Each detector is linked to one of the two detection loops (dual loop principle).
B. The cargo compartments have a smoke detection system;Cavities in the cargo compartment ceiling panels each hold one smoke detector.Each detector is linked to one of the two detection loops (dual loop principle).
C. The cargo compartments have two smoke detection systems;Cavities in the cargo compartment ceiling panels each hold two smoke detectors.Each detector is linked to one of the two detection loops (dual loop principle).
[单选题]which of the following is true about the flight control computers
A. 2 ELACs,2 SECs, 3 FACs
B. 2 ELACs,3 SECs, 2 FACs
C. 3 ELACs,2 SECs, 2 FACs
[单选题]which of the following is true about the available configuration in takeoff or go-around
A. 1+F,2,3 can be used for takeoff
B. 3 and all can be used for go-around
C. all of the above
[单选题]which of the following is true about the rudder trim ?
A. In manual flight, the pilot can apply rudder trim with the rotary RUD TRIM switch on the pedestal.
B. With the autopilot engaged, the FMGC computes the rudder trim orders. The rudder trim rotary switch and the rudder trim reset pushbutton are not active.
C. all of the above
[单选题]Which of the following is true about ROLL AXIS and YAW AXIS
A. Ailerons and Spoilers are all Electrical
B. Rudder is Mechanical, however control for yaw damping, turn coordination and trim is electrical.
C. all of the above
[单选题]which of the following is true about PITCH AXIS
A. Elevator is electrical
B. Stabilizer is electrical for normal or alternate control. Mechanical for manual trim control
C. all of the above
[单选题]Which of the following is true about smoke configuration
A. In this configuration the main busbars are shed. The electrical distribution is the same as it is in the emergency electrical configuration (loss of main generators), except the fact that in smoke configuration the fuel pumps are connected upstream of the GEN 1 line connector.
B. The procedure sheds approximately 75 % of electrical equipment.
C. all of the above
[单选题]Which?of?the?following?is?true about APU generator?
A. It can replace either or both main engine generators at any time.
B. It produces the same output as each main engine generator
C. all of the above
[单选题]Which?of?the?following?is?true about the uses of electrical?
A. In the event that normal AC power is not available, an emergency generator can provide AC power.
B. In the event that all AC power is not available, the electrical power system can invert DC power from the batteries into AC power.
C. all of the above
[单选题]Which?of?the?following?is?true about the C/B?
A. If the C/B remains pulled, any additional tripped circuit breakers on the same panel will not be detected, and the ECAM will not trigger the caution.
B. If the C/B is pushed, any additional tripped circuit breakers will be detected, and the ECAM will trigger the caution again.
C. all of the above
[单选题]Which of the following is correct about safety valve?
A.Its function is to prevent excessively positive or negative differential pressure
B. It’s under pneumatic control.
C.All of the above
[单选题]Which of the following is correct about continuous ignition?
A. Continuous ignition is selected automatically when the ENG ANTIICE pb-sw or approach idle is selected.
B. Continuous ignition will also be engaged if max takeoff thrust (EPR or rated N1 mode) or FLEX takeoff thrust (EPR mode) is selected, or when EIU data (ignition or bleed configuration information)is not available.
C. Both of the above are correct.


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