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发布时间:2024-03-29 07:06:44

[单选题]The primary reason for using standard phraseology is to _______ .
A.sound like standard
B.reduce transmission time
C.avoid misunderstanding
D.have a private language

更多"[单选题]The primary reason for using s"的相关试题:

[单项选择]The primary reason that President Bush starts new education reforms is that ______.

A. more children will achieve success in school and in life due to the reforms
B. the greatest changes have taken place in education in a generation
C. these reforms may help him win the next presidential election
D. he has no excuse for failing the children to go to a better school
[单选题]Which of the following is not a purpose for the establishment of standard phraseology in RTF communication?
A.To ensure uniformity in radio transmissions
B.To detail phraseology suitable for every situation
C.To minimize ambiguity in radio transmissions
D.To cite some examples for the application of standard phrases
[单选题]Constant attention to correct phraseology and procedures will _________ .
A.result in their use becoming automatic
B.ensure a high standard of radio transmissions
C.contribute to the safety of operations
D.bring about all of the above
[单选题]It is important to ensure that the phraseology employed during the taxi maneuvers cannot be interpreted as a takeoff clearance since _______ .
A.misunderstandings in the granting and acknowledgement of takeoff clearances can result in serious consequences
B.takeoff clearance, usually cannot be delayed
C.taxi maneuvers should be done before a takeoff clearance is issued
D.the pilot is always ready for any important clearances and no mistakes will be made
[单选题]If Delta 12G is given a hand-off to Cleveland center while climbing through 7,500ft to an assigned altitude of 12,000ft, the correct phraseology for the pilot’s initial call-up to centre is _______ .
A.Cleveland Centre, Delta 12G, climbing to 12,000
B.Cleveland Centre, Delta 12G at 7,500, climbing to maintain 12,000
C.Cleveland Centre, Delta 12G, out of 75 for 12,000
D.Delta 12G, 7500, climbing to 12,000
[单项选择]What three primary colors do we see

A. Red, white, and blue.
B. Red, green, and yellow.
C. Red, green, violet.
D. Red, green, blu
[单项选择]The primary purpose of the passage is to

A. explain and resolve a controversy among meteorologists
B. present and describe a recently discovered phenomenon
C. suggest and prove a theory on the cause of a phenomenon
D. describe and confirm research findings under question
E. (E) discuss and evaluate the soundness of certain experimental observations
[单项选择]The primary objective of Basic Econometrics is to provide an elementary but an comprehensive introduction to the art and science of econometrics.
A. brief
B. precise
C. simplified
D. extensive

Usually the primary purpose of textbook writing is to inform. In textbooks, authors wellinformed in a particular subject or discipline identify the terms, facts, and opinions considered essential to an understanding of the field. While authors’ personal interests play a role in what terms or facts are selected and how they are interpreted, the writing bears a primary or central goal which is not to persuade you to see things from the same perspective. In fact, textbook authors frequently give equal time to opposing points of view so that readers can draw their own conclusion.
However, as you turn from your textbooks to the pages of newspapers and magazines, you may encounter writers with other primary goals. Some write to entertain; others write simply to air a personal preference. However, a good portion of the writers you encounter, particularly on the editorial (社论) pages, write in the hope that you will share or at least seriously consider adopting their
A. Textbook writers are usually better informed in their subjects.
B. Textbook writers are more objective than other types of writers.
C. Editorials aim at sharing facts with the readers.
D. All magazine articles have the aim to share opinions with the readers.

[单项选择]For relation R where primary key contains multiple attributes,no non-key attribute should be functionally dependent on a part of the primary key. This relation R is at least in
A. 1NF
B. 2NF
C. 3NF
[单项选择]The primary aim of some companies' sponsoring the search engines is to______.
A. cash in on their important role as Web guides
B. boost their avenue
C. reverse a series of losses
D. have their sites visited by the Internet users more
[单项选择]The primary objective of Basic Econometric, is to provide an elementary but a comprehensive introduction to the art and science of econometrics.
A. brief
B. precise
C. simplified
D. extensive
[单项选择]In the United States, primary education requires ______ years.
A. five
B. six
C. seven
D. eight
[单项选择]The reason some children are backward in speaking is most probably that _______.

A. they are incapable of learning language rapidly
B. they are exposed to too much language of once
C. their mothers respond inadequately to their attempts to speak
D. their mothers are not intelligent enough to help them


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