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发布时间:2024-01-12 00:27:05

[单选题] What do we learn about the elderly from the man’s teaching
experience? (D)
A. A lot of old people pay no attention to the use of digital technologies.
B. A few of them are a bit scared at first because they've never used a computer.
C. Nothing can be confusing for old people with no computer skills.
D. The elderly think they're too old to learn something new.

更多"[单选题] What do we learn about the el"的相关试题:

[单选题] What do we learn from one study in 2013 about a father’s engagement? (D)
A. It can help a child succeed in school.
B. It can increase the child's chances of finishing high school.
C. It can reduce the child's risk of drug abuse.
D. All of the above.
[单选题] Do you sometimes argue about what seems to you to be simple fact? Do you argue whether it’s cold outdoors or whether the car in front of you is going faster than the speed limit? If you get into such arguments, try to think about the story about the six blind men and the elephant. The first blind man who felt the elephant’s trunk said it was like a snake. The second who felt the elephant’s side said it was like a wall, while the third said it was like a spear as he touched the animal’s tusk. The fourth, who had hold of the elephant’s tail insisted that it was like a rope. The fifth man said it looked like a tree as he put his arms around one of the elephant’s legs. The sixth, who was tall and got hold of the elephant’s ears, said it was like a huge fan. Each man’s idea of the animal came from his own experience. So if someone disagrees with you about a “simple fact”, it’s often because his experience in the matter is different from yours. To see how hard it is for even one person to make up his mind about a “simple fact”, try this simple experiment. Get three large bowls. Put ice water in one. Put hot water in the secon Put lukewarm water in the thirD. Now put your left hand in the ice water. Put your right hand in the hot water. After thirty seconds, put both hands in the lukewarm water. Your right hand will tell you the water is colD. You left hand will tell you it’s hot!
What makes people think about simple facts differently?
A. The fact that simple facts differ from one another.
B.The fact that people have different experience in the same simple fact.
C. The fact that people often disagree with on another.
D. The fact that it’s hard to make up one’s mind about simple facts.
[单选题] What can we infer from the passage? (A)
A. Good study habits are necessary to college students if they want to make achievements.
B.Internet is essential for students all the time.
C. You should make notes of all the details of the lectures.
D. Cramming for an exam is a good way to get high grades.
[单选题]What can we infer from the passage?(B)
A.Chinese are all rich.
B.When you host an event,you should also prepare to pay for it.
C.Chinese prefer to drink beer because it’s good for health.
D.Don’t feel pressured to eat everything at the table.
[简答题]__what altitude are we flying?
[简答题]What do you usually do after school ?
[单选题] What do you do when you have a 1-jiao coin in your pocket? Perhaps you buy a piece of candy. Maybe you give it to a homeless man in the street. But have you ever used a jiao to fly to a foreign country? Last summer, I flew from London, UK, to Madrid, Spain, and then on to Faro, Portugal, and all the way back home. The cost of these four flights was just 4 pence (4 jiao). It even included all the taxes. Although it was a special offer, it is common to be able to fly between Europe’s major cities for around £20 a journey. These days, many young people, especially students, choose this cheap travel as a way of visiting countries around Europe. But don’t expect to be treated like royalty (皇族). Seats are normally cramped, in order to pack as many people as possible onto the flight. Food and drink, which tends to be provided for free on an airplane, is costly. And if you want to watch a movie to pass the time, you’d better buy a potable DVD player with you. The problem with these flights is that added extras cost a lot of money. If you want to buy food on the plane, check-in a big suitcase and get a priority-boarding pass that allows you to skip the line, you can end up paying close to the price of a normal flight. [共5题]
What did the author do with several 1-jiao coins?
A. He bought some candy.
B.He gave them to a homeless man.
C. He traveled four countries.
D. He took four flights.
[单选题]What flowers do you have in mind,Sir?是(  )。
[判断题]Have you thought about the problem from another (____)?此处空可以填:aspect.
[单选题]( ) We are thinking about __________ we should give him a helpful hand.
C. whether
D. where
[单选题] What does the woman say about the salary if the man is accepted by the company? (D)
A. It depends on the working hours.
B. It is about 500 pounds a week.
C. It will be set by the Human Resources.
D. It is to be negotiated.
[填空题] What traditional food do people in your country ( ) at Christmas
[单选题] In order to benefit from walking, we should ________.
A. take it as a planned exercise
B.move as gently as possible
C. do it in a quiet place
D. go as fast as possible
[单选题] What do people eat on Thanksgiving Day? C
A. Turkey.
B. Potatoes and pumpkin pies.
C. both A andB
[单选题] What may the author talk about next? ( A )
A. Other popular foods'symbolic meanings.
B. Traditions and customs of Spring Festival.
C. The author's personal story with eating dumplings.
D. Why people love dumplings.


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