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发布时间:2023-09-29 16:12:46

[单项选择]()closed his eyes than the doorbell rang.
A. Hardly had he
B. Scarcely he had
C. No sooner had he
D. As soon as he had

更多"()closed his eyes than the doorbell"的相关试题:

[单项选择]One of his eyes was injured in an accident, but after a()operation, he quickly recovered his sight.
A. delicate
B. considerate
C. precise
D. sensitive
[单项选择]He had a()look in his eyes. He must have been shocked.
A. empty
B. bare
C. blank
D. hollow
[单项选择]His salary as a driver is much higher than()
A. a porter  
B. is a porter 
C. as a porter 
D. that of a porter
[单项选择]His long()raised fears about his safety.
A. absent
B. absentee
C. absenting
D. absence
[名词解释]闭环控制 ( closed loop control)
[单项选择]Having lost his job and his family, Jerry felt himself()by anger and sadness.
A. experienced
B. overcome
C. experience
D. overcame
[单项选择]His company promised to pay for his health ()in addition to other benefits.
A. examination
B. service
C. check
D. insurance
[单项选择]In a closed diesel engine freshwater cooling system, the amount of coolant flowing through the heat exchanger is controlled by the ().
A. suction pressure regulator
B. thermostatic bypass valve
C. sea water temperature
D. water level in the expansion tank
[单项选择]In any diesel engine closed freshwater cooling system, the lowest pressure exists at the ().
A. jacket water outlet
B. cooling water pump outlet
C. heat exchanger outlet
D. expansion tank atmospheric vent
[单项选择]ENG VALVE CLOSED指哪个活门()
D. spar valve
[单项选择]The expansion tank in a diesel engine closed freshwater cooling system is located at ()
A. the highest point in the system
B. the lowest point in the system
C. near the floor
D. plate level or near the tank top level
[单项选择]The highest pressure in any closed diesel engine freshwater cooling system is at the ().
A. jacket water outlet
B. expansion tank inlet
C. heat exchanger inlet
D. cooling water pump outlet
[单项选择]If the coolant temperature of a closed cooling water system for a diesel engine gradually increases, the trouble usually is ()
A. a broken shaft on the freshwater pump
B. an excessive accumulation of scale exchanger
C. an incorrect thermostatic element operating range
D. lube oil in the cooling water
[单项选择]The expansion tank for a diesel engine closed cooling system is designed to maintain a constant head on the system and ().
A. reduce water temperature
B. reduce water turbulence
C. provide an air cushion
D. allow for an increase in water volume as the engine warms up
[单项选择]If the discharge valve is closed before the drive motor is stopped, which of the following types of pumps will most likely be damaged?()
A. Centrifugal
B. Gear
C. Propeller
D. Turbine
[单项选择]ENG VALVE CLOSED灯熄灭,意味着()
A. 活门开
B. 活门关
C. 活门在转换位
D. 活门故障
[单项选择]What is head tank in the closed cooling water system used for?()
A. for the release of air from the cooling water
B. providing expansion room for heated cooling water
C. a place for implementing water and water treatment agent
D. all of the above
[单项选择]If there has been a fire in a closed unventilated compartment it may be unsafe to enter because of ().
A. unburned carbon particles
B. excess nitrogen
C. a lack of oxygen
D. excess hydrogen
[单项选择]After a fire has been extinguished in a closed space, personnel may safely enter the space when ().
A. smoke density has been decreased sufficiently to see the bulkhead opposite the compartments entrance
B. a lifeline and explosion proof flash light are used
C. all smoke and toxic fumes are removed and an adequate oxygen supply is present
D. overhaul has been completed to remove any possible source of re-ignition


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