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发布时间:2023-12-17 21:24:34

[单项选择]We advised them to take a rest, but they ()on finishing the work.
A. insisted
B. persisted
C. existed
D. resized

更多"We advised them to take a rest, but"的相关试题:

[单项选择]We generally take the convention of safety of life at sea adopted in 1974 as a completely new convention, the reason is()
A. it included the amendments agreed up until that date
B. it included none of the amendment agreed up until that date
C. it required two thirds of the Parties’ acceptance for a amendment to enter into force
D. it included a tacit acceptance procedure
[单项选择]Usually we take the cooling effect of the air flown through the cylinder during the overlap period as()
A. inevitable
B. harmful
C. helpful
D. unacceptable
[单项选择]Finally, the Christmas season is over. We can take a long breath, put up our feet, sip from a cup of good tea and relax. The frenzy, starting from Black Friday right after Thanksgiving until Christmas Eve, of gift shopping, buying, wrapping, giving, receiving, opening, returning... is exhaustive and time-consuming, but it takes place every year. There is considerable difference between the cultures in China and western countries when it comes to gift giving. In China, it is not polite to open a gift in front of the gift giver, and gift is only looked at after the guest has left. Here in America, gift givers always wrap their gifts, large or small, priceless or valueless, carefully and decorate them with colorful ribbons and little pretty paper flowers; and the lucky receiver is expected to open the gift right away in front of the giver, with great eagerness and curiosity, and should always express appreciation with the all time truthful comment, "this is just exactly what I wanted!" Well, as a matter of fact, most people would take their "always wanted" gifts back to the store to exchange for something they really wanted. Finding a gift for somebody, even a close family member, you"ll have to know what the person likes and shop for days before you can locate the perfect gift. But, still the person may not like the gift from you. Nowadays, stores would provide two copies of the receipts for anything they sell as a gift, one of which is included in the gift package so that the receiver can come back for an exchange. I know, it was unthinkable to cash out gift you get, but, times are different. Another good way to avoid all that shopping hassle is to purchase a gift card from one of the stores and send it to your niece, nephews, or a family member, so that they can get whatever they want or even keep the money.Finding a gift for somebody is a(n)().
A. easy job
B. tough task
C. must-be job
D. arranged task
[单项选择]We must take the Charterer’s benefit()full consideration.
A. in
B. into
C. for
D. with
[单项选择]It is high time that we()working to take a break.
A. should stop   
B. would stop   
C. stopped   
D. stop
[单项选择]If the surveyors ()yesterday, they would have finished the survey work.
A. did not interrupt
B. were not interrupted
C. had not interrupted
D. had not been interrupted
[单项选择]When we write, we must write as()as we can.
A. careful
B. carefully
C. more careful
D. more carefully
[单项选择]The steering and sailing rules for vessels in restricted visibility apply to vessels().
A. in sight of one another in fog
B. navigating in or near an area of restricted visibility
C. only if they are showing special purpose lights
D. only if they have operational radar
[单项选择]Must I take a taxi? No, you(). You can take my car.
A. had better to 
B. don't 
C. must not
D. don't have to
[单项选择]The rest of the family had nearly reached the river, but Jane was()behind as usual.
A. declining
B. delaying
C. lacking
D. lagging
[单项选择]How many hours of rest is the minimum required in a normal day?()
A. 14 hours
B. 10 hours
C. 6 hours
D. It does not matter as long as my overtime is paid for
[单项选择]Everyone of them()tired and wanted a good rest
A. seems 
B. is seemed 
C. was seemed  
D. seemed
[单项选择]The pioneers()their journey after a short rest.
A. assumed
B. presumed
C. resumed
D. consumed
[单项选择]According to MLC,the minimum hours of rest shall not be less than 10 hours in any 24-hour period,and()hours in any seven-day period.
A. 70
B. 72
C. 75
D. 77


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