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发布时间:2023-10-13 05:17:27

[单项选择]Such problem ()air, water, and noise pollutions are becoming more and more serious in some big cities.
A. like
B. as
C. of
D. about

更多"Such problem ()air, water, and nois"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Air receivers installed in starting air systems are to be ().
A. cylindrical in shape with service connections located at the top and bottom
B. opened and made available for inspection during biannual inspections provided
C. with automatic drain traps for the removal of moisture
D. so installed as to make the drain connections effective under extreme conditions of trim
[单项选择]In a chilled water air conditioning unit using a reciprocating compressor, the refrigerating effect of the primary refrigerant can be increased by ().
A. increasing refrigerant pressure in the coil
B. increasing chilled water flow through the cooler
C. sub-cooling the refrigerant in the condenser
D. superheating the refrigerant in the compressor
[单项选择]The latent heat of water vapor in air is dependent upon the ()
A. dry bulb temperature
B. wet bulb temperature
C. dew point
D. dry point
[单项选择]()reters to be amount of water vapour in the air.
A. Humidity
B. Temperature
C. Precipitation
D. Wind
[单项选择]Air conditioning is the process of treating air to control () its temperature, humidity, cleanliness and distribution to meet the comfort requirements of the occupants of the conditioned space.
A. instantaneous
B. instantaneously
C. simultaneous
D. simultaneously
[单项选择]In reference to air conditioning, when air attains the maximum amount of moisture it can hold at a specific temperature, it is said to be ().
A. superheated
B. saturated
C. condensed
D. convected
[单项选择]() water is more expensive than fresh water It has high specific heat and low viscosity.
A. Distilled
B. Distilling
C. Boiling
D. Boiled
[单项选择]When distilling salt water the cooling water discharging from the distiller is fed back to evaporator as feed water ().
A. to cut down the amount of cooling water needed
B. to prevent an excess amount of cooling water from being discharged to the bilges
C. to supply hot water to the evaporator for more economical operation
D. None of the above is tree
[单项选择]When distilling sea water the cooling water discharging from the distiller is fed back to evaporator as feed water ().
A. to decrease scale formation
B. for better cooling effect
C. for more economical purpose
D. to raise vacuum
[单项选择]() supplies pilot air to control the cylinder air start valves.
A. An air compressor
B. An indicator cock
C. An air distributor
D. A safety valve
[单项选择]The air compressor pumps air to the ().
A. expansion tank
B. combustion chamber
C. air receiver
D. evaporator
[单项选择]A water pump can not supply water after startingIt may be caused by ().
A. closed discharge valve
B. broken pipe line
C. worn shaft
D. both A and B
[单项选择]After stopping oily water separator, sea water should be permitted for () minutes,()should be closed after stopping pump to reduce oxidation corrosion of inner wall.
A. 15;inlet value
B. 15;inlet and outlet value
C. 30;inlet value
D. 30;inlet and outlet value
[单项选择]Farmers use water in many ways.() they use water to grow crops.
A. In fact
B. For example
C. Besides
D. Because of this
[单项选择]The water level showing in a boiler water gauge glass is usually () during working.
A. higher than the actual drum water level
B. equal to the actual drum water level
C. increasing due to steam condensation in the glass
D. lower than actual drum water level
[单项选择]The fresh water generator produces fresh water ().
A. by cooling sea water
B. by heating sea water
C. by evaporation of sea water
D. by purifying sea water
[单项选择]Diesel engine mufflers accomplish noise reduction by ()
A. reducing exhaust gas velocity
B. increasing the frequency of gas vibration
C. the use of long head pipes
D. the use of zinc electrodes
[名词解释]水分亏缺 water deficit
[名词解释]水培 water culture


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