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发布时间:2023-10-09 09:02:06

[单项选择]A ()is the foundation of the engine, without the support of which the shaft alignment in particular, and engine structure as a whole, would inevitably be lost.
A. Frame
B. Bedplate
C. Cylinder
D. Liner

更多"A ()is the foundation of the engine"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Bedplates are the () of the engine, without the support of which the shaft alignment in particular, and engine structure as a whole, would inevitably be lost.
A. hull
B. projection
C. graphitization
D. foundation
[单项选择]The knock occurring when a cold diesel engine is started and continues while running at low speed, but stops when the engine reaches normal operating speed and temperature, is().
A. caused by retarded injection timing
B. caused by a mechanical defect in one cylinder
C. caused by high fuel injection pressures
D. normal for these conditions
[单项选择]What is the function of an engine’s stationary parts?()
A. To add power to the engine
B. To keep the engine firmly attached to its supporting base
C. To keep moving engine part in their proper relative positions
D. To rotate the crankshaft
[单项选择]To find the cause of a gasoline engine’s failure to start,you should().
A. Break the joint in the fuel line at the engine and let the gas run in the bilges
B. Disconnect the wires at the spark plugs and make the spark jump the gap
C. Prime the engine with ether through spark plug openings
D. Ventilate the space,then check the battery,spark plugs,carburetor,and fuel line
[单项选择]In modern installations, the main engine and the standby auxiliary engines()
A. can be started at low temperature and are free from preheating
B. usually are preheated by steam before being started
C. are kept at a constant temperature and free from preheating
D. are kept at a low temperature to save energy
[单项选择]My ship’s engine responds well to telegraph orders and takes about 80 seconds to reverse from full speed ahead to full speed astern.This sentence().
A. indicates the engine's particulars
B. tells the engine's function
C. shows the engine's type
D. refers to the engine's information
[单项选择]While working in the engine room, you hear seven short blasts followed by one long blast on the ships whistle, supplemented by the same signal on the general alarm bellsYou should ().
A. start the fire pump to charge the fire main
B. standby the main console and await orders from the engineer on watch
C. go to your fire station
D. go to your lifeboat station
[单项选择]The survival craft’s engine is fueled with().
A. kerosene
B. unleaded gasoline
C. diesel oil
D. liquefied gas
[单项选择]Engine coolant accumulating in the diesel engine lubricating oil can result from a ()
A. low oil pressure
B. high coolant pressure
C. leaking fuel injector
D. cracked cylinder head or liner
[单项选择]No repairs can be done without the harbor master’s().
A. approval
B. authorization
C. consideration
D. discussion
[单项选择]No repairs can be done without the Harbor Master’s().
A. approval
B. authorization
C. consideration
D. discussion
[单项选择]Before you start an engine in a compartment,it’s MOST important to().
A. check the flame arrester
B. check the fuel tank
C. check the battery
D. ventilate the bilges
[单项选择]Before starting a diesel engine that has an engine driven lube oil pump, the engineer should ().
A. open the bypass line
B. cut in the lube oil cooler
C. pressurize the lube oil system
D. top off the expansion tank
[单项选择]If the main engine of an unattended engine room shuts down automatically, it will be indicated by an alarm ().
A. at each control station
B. in the chief engineer’s quarters
C. in the captains quarters
D. All of the above are correct
[单项选择]A diesel engine is similar to a gasoline engine except that the former has no ().
A. cross-head
B. cylinder
C. connecting rod
D. spark plug
[单项选择]A diesel engine burns () a gasoline engine of the same capacity in the same period of time.
A. as much fuel as
B. less fuel than
C. less fuel as
D. more fuel than
[单项选择]Before starting an engine by air, the engine must()
A. be turned by a turning gear for at least one minute
B. be turned by a turning gear for at least two minutes
C. be turned at least one complete turn
D. be turned at least two complete turns
[单项选择]Such an engine frame helps () the engine and so protect the bearings from the deformation forces transmitted via the ships double bottom.
A. to stiffen
B. to soften
C. to loosen
D. to wear


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