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发布时间:2023-11-09 03:58:23

[单项选择]() are commonly used in mechanical-hydraulic governor(调速器) to sense engine speeds.
A. Bulbs
B. Bulks
C. Flyweights
D. Flywheels

更多"() are commonly used in mechanical-"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Hydraulic pumps most commonly used in steering systems are of the ().
A. lobe type
B. screw type
C. axial piston type
D. volute type
[单项选择]Stainless steel is material commonly used for temperatures up to 50℃; beyond that and for severe corrosive conditions other materials are requiredThe bold and italic word “that” probably means ().
A. stainless steel
B. temperature
C. 50℃
D. other materials
[单项选择]Strainers are commonly used in hydraulic systems to ().
A. protect the pump from fine soluble contaminants
B. prevent solid particles from entering the pump
C. prevent solid particles from entering the filter
D. protect the directional control valves
[单项选择]Ethanol is commonly used as a gasoline supplement, but it is currently about()methanol.
A. twice as expensive as
B. twice as more expensive as
C. as twice more expensive as
D. as twice expensive as
[单项选择]The star formation is most commonly used and requires() on the alternator.
A. one slip-ring
B. two sliprings
C. three sliprings
D. four sliprings
[单项选择]What type of electric motor is most commonly used on board ship?()
A. non-synchronous electric motor
B. synchronous electric motor
C. fully enclosed electric motor
D. watertight electric motor
[单项选择]A device commonly used to secure the pendant wire when it is initially passed to an anchor handling vessel is().
A. pelican hook
B. connecting link
C. shackle
D. retaining hook
[单项选择]A pyrometer is an instrument commonly used to measure()
A. cylinder pressure
B. flame intensity
C. exhaust gas temperature
D. crankshaft axial alignment
[单项选择]Ethanol is commonly used()a gasoline supplement.
A. for
B. to
C. by
D. as
[单项选择]()provides a selection of commonly used routes with their distances between principal and important positions.
A. The Mariner‟s Handbook
B. Admiralty Sailing Directions
C. Ocean Passages for the World
D. Mariner‟s Routeing Guide
[单项选择]What is commonly used to create turbulence in a diesel engine combustion system?()
A. Shape of the piston crowns
B. Increasing the compression ratios
C. Increasing the piston crowns
D. Increasing the turbocharger gear ratio
[单项选择]Bourdon Tube is probably the most commonly used () measuring instrument.
A. the absolute pressure
B. the gauge pressure
C. the vacuum pressure
D. the differential pressure
[单项选择]The type of gauge most commonly used to measure pressure is the ().
A. bimetallic type
B. diaphragm type
C. bourdon tube type
D. resistance-temperature type
[单项选择]In a commonly used fuel oil system, the oil is stored in tanks in the double bottom from which it is pumped to () and heated.
A. a service tank
B. a settling tank
C. an expansion tank
D. a double bottom tank
[单项选择]On commonly used ships,if two A√Cgenerators are operated in parallel, the load is distributed evenly by ().
A. varying the D-Cexciter voltage
B. varying the reluctance of the air gap
C. regulating the speed of prime mover
D. shorting out part of the armature windings
[填空题]The term "()" is commonly used to name the work of the 17th - century writers who wrote under the influence of John Donne.
[单项选择]Peck and Hale gear is used most commonly for securing().
A. automobiles
B. baled cargo
C. large wooden crates
D. palletized cargo
[单项选择]Hydraulic machinery failures are commonly caused by misalignment of the system components and by ().
A. hydraulic fluid contamination
B. excessive fluid friction
C. turbulent fluid flow
D. fluid pressure surges


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