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发布时间:2023-10-21 17:13:36

[单项选择]() device is provided to prevent starting air from being admitted to the cylinder before the reversing is completed.
A. An automatic
B. A transmission
C. A self-regulating
D. An interlocking

更多"() device is provided to prevent st"的相关试题:

[单项选择]To prevent accidents from occurring, special valve chests are used in such cases in which interchangeable blanks and connecting passages are incorporatedThe bold and italic word “which” means ().
A. accidents
B. special valve chests
C. interchangeable blanks
D. connecting passages
[单项选择]The process of removing moisture from air is known as().
A. humidification
B. dehumidification
C. vaporization
D. evaporation
[单项选择]Anchors are prevent from running out when secured by the().
A. brake
B. devil's claw
C. pawls
D. All of the above
[单项选择]The engine is started with () supplied from air receivers.
A. pressure oil
B. pressure water
C. compressed air
D. cooling water
[单项选择]To prevent the unnecessary loading of an air conditioning system while maintaining the designed dry bulb temperature and relative humidity in an air conditioning system, you should ()
A. admit only enough fresh outside air to provide proper ventilation
B. reduce the air reheating system load
C. lower the compressor head pressure
D. operate the purge recovery unit continuously
[单项选择]Water in the fuel can prevent the engine from starting, prevent it from developing full power, or ()
A. run at an irregular speed
B. create high lube oil temperature
C. cause the engine to over-speed
D. cause blue smoke in the exhaust
[单项选择]The purpose of an air compressor unloading device is to ()
A. drain water from the air receiver
B. drain water from the cylinders
C. delay the compression process until the motor is up to speed
D. check pump alignment
[单项选择]To prevent loss of stability from free communication flooding you should().
A. close the cross-connection valve between the off-center tanks
B. completely flood high center tanks
C. ballast double bottom wing tanks
D. close any opening to the sea in an off-center tank
[单项选择]The air reservoirs must have () fitted to prevent rupture in the event of fire.
A. high pressure alarm
B. fire alarm
C. extinguishers
D. fusible plugs
[单项选择]The starting air system usually has () to prevent starting if anything is not in order.
A. drain cocks
B. vent valves
C. counteracts
D. interlocks
[单项选择]Air blowing from the intake air filter of an operating air compressor indicates ().
A. broken inlet valves
B. broken discharge valves
C. pulsations in the air distribution system
D. overloading of the air distribution system
[单项选择]To prevent the riser system from buckling under its own weight,upward tension is provided by the().
A. riser stabilizers
B. guideline tensioning system
C. riser tensioning system
D. guideline stabilizers
[单项选择]To prevent a wooden hull from leaking you caulk it().
A. after drydocking,while the hull is moist
B. after drydocking,and the hull has dried
C. afloat,where it is leaking
D. afloat,in all accessible areas
[单项选择]An electrical device which prevents an action from occurring until all other required conditions are met is called a/an ().
A. limit
B. monitor
C. modulator
D. interlock
[单项选择]The loss of () from an air compressor could lead to an overheated air discharge and possibly an explosion in the pipelines leading to the air reservoir.
A. lubricating oil
B. compressed air
C. cooling water
D. sealing ring
[单项选择]A knocking sound emitted from an unloaded air compressor is probably caused by ().
A. damaged intake valves
B. excessively tight mounting bolts
C. insufficient cylinder lubrication
D. a loose piston


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