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发布时间:2023-10-16 16:02:21

[单项选择]() fuel oils () lubricating oils require treatment before passing to the engine.
A. Both;and
B. Neither;nor
C. Either;or
D. Both;or

更多"() fuel oils () lubricating oils re"的相关试题:

[单项选择]The treatment of the fuel oils involves storage, heating, filtering and()
A. centrifuging
B. pressurizing
C. atomization
D. igniting
[单项选择]Heavy fuel oils when spilled are().
A. more harmful to sea life than lighter oils
B. easier to clean up than lighter refined oils
C. less harmful to sea life than lighter oils
D. not a real threat to marine life
[单项选择]Heavy fuel oils generally have an upper average ash content of 0~1% by weight.Which of the following conditions could be expected if the ash content increase above this amount?()
A. Glazing of the cylinder liners
B. Increase valve wear
C. Excessive oil pumping
D. Increase fuel consumption
[单项选择]Heavy residual fuel oils are heated prior to centrifuging to ()
A. reduce fuel weight
B. increase specific gravity
C. separate fuel from lube oil
D. reduce fuel viscosity
[单项选择]The ability of lubricating oils to resist viscosity changes during temperature changes is indicated by the()
A. American Petroleum
B. Institute number viscosity index number
C. Seconds Saybolt Furol number
D. Seconds Saybolt Universal number
[单项选择]The pour point of lubricating oils is affected the most by which of the following?()
A. Extensive centrifuging
B. Wax content
C. Water content
D. Acid content
[单项选择]Although lube oils used in the main lubricating service systems should have a relatively high flash point to avoid ignition, they can create smoke and fire hazards when they()
A. are exposed to a vacuum
B. come in contact with extremely hot surfaces
C. are reduced in temperature to just above the pour point
D. become extremely agitated or aerated
[单项选择]Fuel injection systems meter fuel, atomize fuel, and ().
A. create turbulence in the combustion chamber
B. aid in completing cylinder scavenging
C. inject fuel at the proper time
D. minimize fuel penetration into the cylinder
[单项选择]Excessive circulation of the lubricating oil with the refrigerant in a refrigeration system will cause ().
A. carbon deposits on the compressor suction valves
B. the evaporator temperature to increase
C. rapid corrosion of the thermal expansion valve
D. no operating problems
[单项选择]Lubricating oil systems for diesel engine journal bearings are usually lubricated by which of the following types of lubricating oil systems?()
A. Splash
B. Gravity
C. Pressure
D. Bypass
[单项选择]The oil lubricating diesel engine cylinders usually contain additives formulated to impart a high degree of alkalinity to () the acid conditions.
A. invade
B. provide
C. detergent
D. neutralize
[单项选择]Lubricating systems for diesel engines are usually designed to initially provide lube oil to the engine ()
A. camshaft beatings
B. main bearings
C. piston crowns
D. cylinder walls
[单项选择]Excessive lubricating oil consumption in a running diesel engine can be caused by ()
A. clogged lube oil piping
B. excessive valve-guide clearance
C. high lube oil viscosity
D. low lube oil temperature
[单项选择]One characteristic of a lubricating oil adversely affecting the result of centrifuging is ()
A. high TBN value
B. low oil floc point
C. low oil demulsibility
D. low oil neutralization number
[单项选择]Machinery driving fuel oil transfer and fuel oil service pumps must be fitted with a remote means of stopping the machinery from ().
A. within the space concerned
B. outside the space concerned
C. the throttle station
D. within the fire room
[单项选择]During the fuel injection period, fuel pressure must exceed cylinder gas pressure to ().
A. ensure penetration and distribution of the fuel in the combustion chamber
B. ensure the needle valve is flushed clean during each injection
C. prevent combustion gas blowback into the open needle valve
D. prevent reflected pressure waves when the needle valve closes
[单项选择]For diesel engine piston cooling, lubricating oil can be supplied to the pistons by a/an ().
A. oil spray
B. oil bath
C. oil control rings
D. drilled passage through the camshaft


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