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发布时间:2023-10-03 23:53:01

[单项选择]() allows for expansion and water make up in the water cooling system.
A. A top tank
B. A head tank
C. A head valve
D. A drain tank

更多"() allows for expansion and water m"的相关试题:

[单项选择]A wedge of water building up between the bow and nearer bank which forces the bow out and away describes().
A. bank cushion
B. bank suction
C. combined effect
D. bend effect
[单项选择]Water may boil up around the stern of a vessel in a channel due to().
A. slack water when upbound
B. shallow water
C. a cross current
D. a head current
[单项选择]After abandoning a vessel,water that is consumed within the first 24 hours will().
A. pass through the body with little absorbed by the system
B. help to prevent fatigue
C. quench thirst for only 2 hours
D. help to prevent seasickness
[单项选择]Your ship is in shallow water and the bow rides up on its bow wave while the stern sinks into a depression of its transverse wave system.What is this called().
A. Broaching
B. Fish tailing
C. Squatting
D. Parallel sinkage
[单项选择]I would be much()if you could take the matter up with Owners or Agents on the damage sustained and also request them to send their representative to us to ascertain the extent of the damage.
A. obliged
B. engaged
C. gained
D. contaminated
[单项选择]How many PPM of the oily water can be pumped out within 12 miles along the China coast line?().
A. at least 15 PPM
B. about 15 PPM
C. up to 15 PPM
D. no less than 15 PPM

These last few painful moments make me wonder if what my friends told me about college was all true. ①Where are all the beautiful girls I’m supposed to be meeting and talking to in every room? Where are the freedom and relaxed atmosphere my friends bragged about? I’m supposed to be enjoying myself instead of suffering! Everybody seems to have forgotten that college is hard work too. My first days in writing class prove② that delight and pleasure often disappear when assignments are due!

A. 我假定在每个教室都要遇见并谈话的漂亮女孩在哪里?
B. 我在每个教室都能碰上并和她聊聊天的漂亮女孩在哪里?
C. 漂亮的女孩上哪儿去了?不是说随便在哪个教室都能碰上,并和她们聊聊天的吗?
[单项选择]When distilling salt water the cooling water discharging from the distiller is fed back to evaporator as feed water ().
A. to cut down the amount of cooling water needed
B. to prevent an excess amount of cooling water from being discharged to the bilges
C. to supply hot water to the evaporator for more economical operation
D. None of the above is tree
[单项选择]When distilling sea water the cooling water discharging from the distiller is fed back to evaporator as feed water ().
A. to decrease scale formation
B. for better cooling effect
C. for more economical purpose
D. to raise vacuum
[单项选择]At 1923,you increase speed to make good 9.2 mph. What is the first gage you will pass after your speed change?()
A. Cottonwood Point
B. Tiptonville
C. Fulton
D. New Madrid
[单项选择]Before pumping up the crankcase oil,() should be worked by hand to minimize corrosive action on the liners.
A. the indicators
B. the starting valves
C. the cylinder lubricators
D. the turning gear
[单项选择]A water pump can not supply water after startingIt may be caused by ().
A. closed discharge valve
B. broken pipe line
C. worn shaft
D. both A and B
[单项选择]After stopping oily water separator, sea water should be permitted for () minutes,()should be closed after stopping pump to reduce oxidation corrosion of inner wall.
A. 15;inlet value
B. 15;inlet and outlet value
C. 30;inlet value
D. 30;inlet and outlet value
[单项选择]The water level showing in a boiler water gauge glass is usually () during working.
A. higher than the actual drum water level
B. equal to the actual drum water level
C. increasing due to steam condensation in the glass
D. lower than actual drum water level
[单项选择]The fresh water generator produces fresh water ().
A. by cooling sea water
B. by heating sea water
C. by evaporation of sea water
D. by purifying sea water
[名词解释]水培 water culture
[单项选择]() water is more expensive than fresh water It has high specific heat and low viscosity.
A. Distilled
B. Distilling
C. Boiling
D. Boiled


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