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发布时间:2024-03-28 23:10:12

[单项选择]The cross-head shoes are white metal ().
A. lining
B. lined
C. made
D. in

更多"The cross-head shoes are white meta"的相关试题:

[单项选择]The cross-head shoes are white metal lined, grooves being cut horizontally on the face of the white metal to ensure ().
A. an adequate supply of lube oil
B. an adequate supply of fuel oil
C. an adequate supply of turbine oil
D. an adequate supply of cylinder oil
[单项选择](), the metal expands.
A. Heats
B. Heating
C. To heat
D. Heated
[单项选择]Metal particles accumulated from the wearing of components in a diesel engine can result from lube oil that has been contaminated with().
A. abrasive particles
B. metallic oxides
C. corrosive acids
D. any or all of the above
[单项选择]Any piece of metal on becoming magnetized will develop regions of concentrated magnetism called().
A. flux
B. poles
C. magnets
D. azimuth
[单项选择]Additives () protective layers on metal surfaces guarding them against corrosion.
A. damage
B. form
C. dissolve
D. contaminate
[单项选择]The guide shoes are secured to the crosshead by means of()
A. through bolts
B. end chock bolts
C. side chock bolts
D. tap-bolts
[单项选择]A metal object on the pier resembling a tree stump and made to receive mooring lines is a().
A. bight
B. bollard
C. chock
D. camel
[单项选择]Metal drums should be stowed()with dunnage between tiers.
A. athwart
B. on end
C. bilge and cantline
D. bed
[单项选择]What is a step in attaching a poured metal socket to a wire rope?()
A. Etch the wire with acid
B. Install a wire seizing on the wire that will be inside the socket
C. Ensure the fiber core is well lubricated
D. Pour molten babbitt metal into the socket
[单项选择]The metal,teardrop-shaped object sometimes used within an eyesplice is a().
A. grommet
B. reinforcement
C. splice form
D. thimble
[单项选择]The grab rail of a metal lifeboat is normally located().
A. along the turn of the bilge
B. along each side of the keel
C. near the top of the gunwale
D. at the bow and at the stern
[单项选择]Metal plates that cover the top of the hawsepipe are called().
A. footings
B. plugs
C. buckler plates
D. stop waters
[单项选择]The main bearing metal is a lining ().
A. inside the bearing
B. outside the bearing
C. covering the crankshaft
D. none of the above
[单项选择]The smith soon()three iron shoes for the horse.
A. forged
B. formed
C. framed
D. formatted
[单项选择]Sorry. I have taken your sports shoes by mistake.()
A. That's right 
B. You're welcome
C. It doesn't matter 
D. All right
[多项选择]下面是关于CMOS(ComplemeMAry MetAl-OxiDe SemiConDuCtor一互联型金属氧化物半导体器件)的描述,正确的有()
A. CMOS是一个小型的RAM,功耗低,在外界电源切断时,由主板上的电池供电
B. CMOS中保存系统正常运行所需的参数,如果它们有误,计算机不能正常工作
C. CMOS中的数据用户不能重新设置
D. CMOS中的数据可以重新设置,但需要使用系统提供的专用程序SETUP
[单项选择]You look nice in white.()
A. Thank you 
B. No, I am far from it.
C. Don't mention it 
D. Not at all
[单项选择]Professor White contributed a lot to our community,()
A. teaching, writing, and lecturing   
B. teaching, writing, and a lecturer 
C. a teacher, a writer, and lecturing   
D. teaching, lecturing, and a writer


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