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发布时间:2024-03-29 03:16:57

[单项选择]If the master improperly jettisons goods,()will be liable.
A. the cargo owner
B. the Shipowner
C. the shipper
D. the receiver

更多"If the master improperly jettisons "的相关试题:

[单项选择]The master()in delivering the goods to the consignee named in the bill of lading on production thereof,or to the first person who presents a properly indorsed bill of lading.
A. justifies
B. justified
C. is justifying
D. is justified
[单项选择]Improperly fitted piston rings in a diesel engine can cause()
A. excessive lube oil consumption
B. lower than normal lube oil temperature
C. higher than normal exhaust back pressure
D. excessive crankshaft end play
[单项选择]Uncoiling manila line improperly can result in a(n)().
A. number of fishhooks
B. kink in the line
C. 50% loss of efficiency of the line
D. increase in deterioration of the line
[单项选择]MASTER CAUT和MASTER WARN灯由哪种计算机驱动()
A. SDAC(系统数据获得收集器)
B. FWC(飞行警告计算机)
C. DMC(显示管理计算机)
[单项选择]You create a master page named Template.master. Template.master contains the following ContentPlaceHolder server controls.You also create 10 Web Forms. The Web Forms reference Template.master as their master page. Each Web Form has the following Content controls that correspond to the ContentPlaceHolder controls in Template.master.You need to configure the Web pages so that default content will be shown in the area2 ContentPlaceHolder control whenever a Web Form does not provide that content. What should you do? ()
A. Move default content inside area2 in Template.master. Remove area2 from Web Forms that do not provide content.
B. Move default content inside area2 in Template.master. Leave area2 blank in Web Forms that do not provide content.
C. Move default content inside area2 in the Web Forms. Remove area2 from Template.master.
D. Create an additional ContentPlaceHolder control in Template.master named area2_default. Place default content inside area2_default. Remove area2 from Web Forms that do not provide content.
[单项选择]You create a master page named Article.master. Article.master serves as the template for articles on your Web site. The master page uses the following page directives. <%@ Master Language="VB" CodeFile="article.master.vb" Inherits="article" %> You need to create a content page that uses the master page as a template. In addition, you need to use a single master page for all devices that access the Web site. Which code segment should you use? ()
A. <%@ Page Language="VB" Theme="article"%>
B. <%@ Page Language="VB" MasterPageFile="~/article.master"%>
C. <%@ Page Language="VB" ie:MasterPageFile="~/article.master"%>
D. <%@Page Language="VB" all:MasterPageFile="~/article.master"%>
[单项选择]你在创建一个名为 Article.master 的母版页。Article.master 作为你 Web 站点上文章的模板。这个母版页用如下的页声明:<%@ Master Language="C#" Src="~/article.master.cs" Inherits="article" %>现在,你需要创建一个用此母版页作为模板的内容页面,并且要求用一个母版页就可以支持所有设备访问你的站点,你该使用下面那个代码段?()
A. <%@ Page Language="C#" Theme="article"%>
B. <%@ Page Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/article.master"%>
C. <%@ Page Language="C#" ie:MasterPageFile="~/article.master"%>
D. <%@Page Language="C#" all:MasterPageFile="~/article.master"%>
[单项选择]你创建了一个名为Template.master的母版页。Template.master包含了如下的ContentPlaceHolder 服务器控件。你创建了10个Web窗体,它们都使用Template.master作为母版页。每个Web窗体有如下的Content控件和母版页的ContentPlaceHolder控件进行对应。现在,你需要配置Web页,使其当Web窗体没有提供content的时候,默认的内容将显示在area2ContentPlaceHolder控件中。你应该怎么做?()
A. 在Template.master 中,移动默认内容到area2中。从不提供内容的Web窗体中移除area2。
B. 在Template.master 中,移动默认内容到area2中。在不提供内容的Web窗体中留下空白的 area2 Content声明。
C. 在Web窗体中,移动默认内容到area2中。在Template.master 中移除area2。
D. 在Template.master中创建一个名为area2_default 的ContentPlaceHolder 控件。然后,放 默认内容在area2_default中。从不提供内容的Web窗体中移除area2。
[单项选择]The Master shall insure that the Emergency Position Indicating Radio beacon (EPIRB) is().
A. secured inside the wheelhouse
B. tested annually
C. tested monthly
D. secured in the emergency locker
A. 停车
B. 提供电能
C. 关断燃油
D. 以上都不对
[单项选择]To whom should the master render the Maritime Declaration of Health when the ship arrives at a port outside the territory?().
A. Health doctor
B. Health officer
C. Health surgeon
D. Health person
[单项选择]Every deliberate act of wrongdoing by the master or any of the crew against the ship or cargo,without the authorization or privity of the Shipowner or his agent,is().
A. barratrous
B. dangerous
C. erroneous
D. strenuous
[单项选择]Indications of the master gyrocompass are sent to remote repeaters by the().
A. follow-up system
B. transmitter
C. phantom element
D. azimuth motor
[单项选择]New adopted regulation of master shall()when maintaining the security of the ship.
A. take actions by he company’s order
B. take actions by the ship owner’s order
C. exercise his professional judgment
D. exercise his professional judgment but be constrained by the company
[单项选择]Prior to getting underway,the Master or person in charge of a vessel must().
A. conduct a fire drill
B. conduct a boat drill
C. log the fore and aft draft marks
D. test the emergency generator
[单项选择]The owner or Master of a towing vessel shall ensure that all tests and inspections of gear take place and are logged().
A. on each watch,immediately before being relieved
B. before embarking on a voyage of more than 24 hours
C. daily,at 1200 local zone time
D. weekly,before 0000 Sunday


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