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发布时间:2024-05-22 07:55:11

[单项选择]The accident resulted () the motorman’s carelessness.
A. in
B. to
C. from
D. by

更多"The accident resulted () the motorm"的相关试题:

[单项选择]The younger motorman as well as the others () to operate the oil separator.
A. has learnt
B. have learnt
C. learn
D. are learning
[单项选择]The young motorman as well as the others ()to operate the oil separator.
A. has learnt
B. have learnt
C. learn
D. are learning
[单项选择]The accident has caused damage()the ship’s hull.
A. on
B. in
C. at
D. to
[单项选择]The damage arose()the accident.
A. against
B. of
C. for
D. from
[单项选择]The accident was()to careless driving.
A. for
B. likely
C. due
D. because 
[单项选择]He carried on()after his accident.
A. to work
B. work
C. working
D. worked
[单项选择]I regret()you of the accident.
A. inform
B. informing
C. to inform
D. will inform
[单项选择]This accident was caused by careless maneuvering()the part of your vessel.
A. on
B. for
C. at
D. in
[单项选择]Unfortunately, his father()in the traffic accident yesterday.
A. dead
B. was killed 
C. killed 
D. was dead
[单项选择]After an accident the victim may go into shock and die. What should be done to help prevent shock? ()
A. Slightly elevate the head and
B. Keep the person awake
C. Keep the person lying down and at a comfortable temperature
D. Give the person a stimulant to increase blood flow
[单项选择]What requires a Report of Marine Accident,Injury or Death?()
A. Collision with a bridge
B. Injury beyond first aid
C. loss of life
D. All of the above
[单项选择]Let()the real fact of the accident.
A. I tell you
B. me to tell you
C. I to tell you
D. me tell you
[单项选择]Following a collision or accident,the Master of each vessel involved must render assistance to persons affected by the collision or accident().
A. if he can do so without any risk to his vessel
B. if he can do so without undue delay
C. if he can do so without serious danger to his vessel or to individuals on board
D. without regard to any danger to his vessel
[单项选择]After being rescued from the vessel accident,the people agreed that they had much to().
A. thank
B. be thankful
C. be thanked
D. be thankful for
[单项选择]After a collision or accident involving an uninspected vessel,regulations require that the operator assist persons affected,but only if the operator can do so without().
A. further damaging the other vessel
B. undue delay
C. serious danger to his or her own vessel
D. creating a panic on either vessel
[单项选择]Never before()see such a terrible car accident on the road!
A. I have  
B. have I  
C. I did  
D. did I
[单项选择]Four people were seriously()in an accident on the motorway.
A. damaged
B. harmed
C. injured
D. wounded
[单项选择]I hold your ship fully responsible()the accident.
A. to
B. at
C. for
D. against


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