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发布时间:2023-12-23 01:46:22

[单项选择]Setting a sealing equipment astern on the tailshaft can’t ()
A. prevent the seawater from intergrating
B. prevent the lube oil from running out of the outside aboard
C. strengthen the intencity of the sterntube
D. prevent the mud and sand from entering the lube oil system

更多"Setting a sealing equipment astern "的相关试题:

[单项选择]When towing astern what equipment should be stowed ready for use near the towline?()
A. First aid kit
B. Axe or cutting torch
C. Fire extinguisher
D. Chafing gear
[单项选择]The bearing of tailshaft sealing equipment, which adopting the oil nature circulation is hot, the reason is()
A. the rotate speed fluctuation
B. the ventilation tube clogged
C. the main engine accelerate so fast
D. stormy waves
[单项选择]A power-driven vessel towing another vessel astern (tow less than 200 meters) shall show ().
A. three masthead lights in a vertical line instead of either the forward or after masthead light
B. two masthead lights in a vertical line instead of either the forward or after masthead lights
C. two towing lights in a vertical line at the stern
D. a small white light aft of the funnel
[单项选择]A chain bridle is used when towing astern because it().
A. Is easy to connect
B. Provides an effective catenary and absorbs shock due to its weight
C. Makes rigging a swivel unnecessary
D. Prevents the tow from yawing by the drag of the chains in a seaway
[单项选择]According to the Robinson Graph, suddenly astern maneuvering of main engine during navigating will cause()
A. rapid reduction of ship’s friction force
B. shaft system over mechanical load
C. sharp growth of the torque of diesel engine
D. propeller torque change along J=0 curve
[单项选择]A vessel or object being towed astern shall display a(n)().
A. forward masthead light
B. after masthead light
C. stern light
D. All of the above
[单项选择]A vessel towing astern in an operation which severely restricts the towing vessel and her tow in their ability to change course shall,when making way,exhibit().
A. the masthead lights for a towing vessel
B. the lights for a vessel restricted in its ability to maneuver
C. sidelights,sternlight and towing light
D. All of the above
[单项选择]When viewed from astern, if the propeller revolves in a clockwise direction when going ahead, it is known as ().
A. ahead direction
B. astern direction
C. right-handed
D. left-handed
[单项选择]When towing astern,increased catenary will().
A. increase control of the tow
B. prevent the towing vessel from going in irons
C. make the towing vessel less maneuverable
D. reduce shock stress on the towing hawser
[单项选择]You have been towing astern and have just let go the tow.Your deckhands are pulling in and faking the towline by hand on the stern.The most dangerous action to take is to().
A. continue ahead at slow speed
B. continue ahead at half speed
C. stop your engines
D. back down on your engines
[单项选择]A vessel being towed astern,where the length of the tow exceeds 200 meters,will exhibit ().
A. two balls in a vertical line
B. a diamond shape where it can best be seen
C. a ball on each end of the tow
D. no dayshape
[单项选择]When towing astern,one way to reduce yawing of the tow is to().
A. trim the tow by the stern
B. trim the tow by the head
C. have the tow on an even keel
D. list the tow on the side it is yawing
[单项选择]A power-driven vessel,when towing astern,shall show().
A. two towing lights in a vertical line
B. a towing light in a vertical line above the sternlight
C. two towing lights in addition to the sternlight
D. a small white light in lieu of the sternlight
[单项选择]A vessel towing a barge astern would show,at the stern().
A. only a stern light
B. a towing light above the stern light
C. two towing lights in a vertical line
D. two white lights in a vertical line
[单项选择]A vessel being towed astern shall show at night().
A. the lights required for a power-driven vessel underway
B. only the required masthead lights
C. a sternlight only
D. sidelights and a sternlight
[单项选择]A tow astern is veering from side to side on its towline. The best way of controlling the action is to().
A. trim the tow by the bow
B. trim the tow by the stern
C. list the tow to windward
D. adjust the length of the towing bridle


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