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发布时间:2023-10-30 23:59:25

[单项选择]The revolving drum of a winch used to haul lines is called a().
A. bull gear
B. gypsyhead
C. spanner
D. wildcat

更多"The revolving drum of a winch used "的相关试题:

[单项选择]In towing,heaving lines are used for().
A. passing a tow bridle to the tug
B. passing a messenger line
C. heaving in the tow bridle
D. service lines with rocket line throwers
[单项选择](), or drum is used for hauling in or letting out the wires or ropes which will fasten the ship to the shore.
A. The winch motor
B. The band brake
C. The winch barrel
D. The anchor capstan
[单项选择]The knot used to join two lines of different diameter is a().
A. square knot
B. carrick bend
C. becket bend
D. sheepshank
[单项选择]Which method is used to detect rot in manila lines?()
A. Feeling the surface of the line for broken fibers
B. Measuring the reduction in circumference of the line
C. Observing for the appearance of mildew on the outer surface
D. Opening the strands and examining the inner fibers
[单项选择]The knot used to join two lines or two large hawsers for towing is called a().
A. square knot
B. carrick bend
C. sheet bend
D. bowline
[单项选择]Isogonic lines are lines on a chart indicating ().
A. points of equal variation
B. points of zero variation
C. the magnetic latitude
D. magnetic dip
[单项选择]The owners of the S.S. Short Haul agree to a charter with the Longsplice Steamship Company. The owners stipulate in the charter party that the regular Master must be employed as the vessel’s Master for the entire life of the contract. Which charter has be ().
A. Bareboat
B. Lease
C. Time
D. Voyage
[单项选择]Frapping lines().
A. secure the lifeboat in the davits when in the stowed position
B. bring the lifeboat close alongside the rail in the embarkation position
C. give the occupants a safety line when the boat is being lowered from the embarkation level
D. reduce the swinging of the lifeboat at the embarkation level
[单项选择]You should frequently compare drum-mounted and remote-reading water level indicators() between these have contributed to failures because of overheating through shortage of water, when a boiler was being oil-fired.
A. descriptions
B. discrepancies
C. different
D. deflections
[单项选择]When the boiler load returns to normal, the drum pressure will rise and steam bubble formation will reduce, causing a fall in water level This is known as ().
A. swell
B. shrinkage
C. flash off
D. lack of water
[单项选择]What is NOT a function of the steam drum of a marine water-tube boiler().
A. Receives saturated steam from the generating tubes
B. Serves as a reservoir of boiler feed water
C. Holds internal fittings for separation of moisture from steam
D. Collects steam exhausted from the turbines
[单项选择]The cable lifter, mooring drum and warp end of a split windlass may be separately engaged or disengaged means of a ()
A. dog clutch
B. Pair of gears
C. worm gear
D. turning gear
A. 需求信息的不真实性会随着供应商对零配件的需求不确定性延供应链向下顺流逐级放大
B. 需求信息的不真实性会随着制造商对零配件的需求不确定性延供应链向下顺流逐级放大
C. 需求信息的不真实性会随着分销商对商品的需求不确定性延供应链向上逆流逐级放大
D. 需求信息的不真实性会随着顾客对商品的需求不确定性延供应链向上逆流逐级放大
[单项选择]Foaming in the steam drum may be caused by () in a boiler.
A. oxygen in the water
B. poor boiler design
C. density too high
D. excessive steam demand
[单项选择]The loran lines drawn on navigation charts represent().
A. Ground waves
B. Skywaves
C. Either ground waves or skywaves interchangeably
D. An average between ground wave and skywave positions
[单项选择]A position obtained by crossing lines of position taken at different times and advanced to a common time is a(n) ().
A. dead-reckoning position
B. running fix
C. estimated position
D. fix
[单项选择]During repair,lubrication lines and orifices must be ().
A. taken away
B. engaged
C. connected
D. sealed off
[单项选择]All straight lines represent great circle tracks on a chart based on a(n) ().
A. Mercator projection
B. polyconic projection
C. orthographic projection
D. gnomonic projection
[单项选择]Mooring lines both()were let go.
A. for and aft
B. from and aft
C. fore and aft
D. all and aft


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