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发布时间:2024-03-28 22:09:41

[单项选择]Combustible gas indicators measure the presence of combustible gas a percentage of the().
A. flash point
B. upper explosive limit
C. lower expiosive limit
D. All of the above

更多"Combustible gas indicators measure "的相关试题:

[单项选择]Combustible gas indicators measure the presence of combustible gas as a percentage of the().
A. flash point
B. upper explosive limit
C. lower explosive limit
D. fire point
[单项选择]Combustible gas indicators operate by drawing an air sample into the instrument().
A. over an electrically heated platinum filament
B. where it is mixed with nitrogen
C. where it is ignited by a sparking device
D. where its specific gravity is measured
[单项选择]A combination combustible gas and oxygen indicator is an instrument that measures the() of both combustible gas and oxygen; each is indicated on a separate meter.
A. purifies
B. combinations
C. concentrations
D. filters
[单项选择]A combustible gas indicator meter is calibrated to read the percentage of().
A. vapor to oxygen
B. the flammable limit concentration
C. the autoignition concentration
D. the lower explosive limit concentration
[单项选择]A combustible gas indicator is used to determine ().
A. if there is sufficient oxygen to support life
B. the toxicity of flammable gases or vapors
C. the amount of CO2 present in flue gas
D. the presence of flammable gases or vapors in the air
[单项选择]Fires involving combustible metals are classified as ().
A. class "A" fires
B. class "B" fires
C. class "C" fires
D. class "D" fires
[单项选择]Combustible material stored in a compartment adjacent to a compartment where there is a fire may be ignitedThis ignition can occur by ().
A. heat convection through the adjacent bulkheads
B. combustion gases carried through the ventilation system
C. direct convection of the heat emitted by the adjacent fire
D. heat radiated from the dock or bulkhead by the adjacent fire
[单项选择]Fires occurring in combustible metals, such as sodium or magnesium, are classified as a ().
A. class A
B. class B
C. class C
D. class D
[单项选择]Each inert gas system gas main must have an automatic shut down valve at the outlet of the gas production plant. This valve must close automatically upon().
A. cargo pump failure
B. blower failure
C. deck seal low water level
D. low inert gas temperature
[单项选择]Hot gas defrosting uses the hot gas from () to defrost the evaporator.
A. starting air bottles
B. diesel engines
C. boilers
D. refrigeration compressors
[单项选择]Gas masks().
A. should be worn while fighting a fire
B. can be used in atmospheres deficient in oxygen
C. filter contaminants from air that is to be breathed
D. may be substituted for a self-contained breathing apparatus
[单项选择]The presence of bubbles in a refrigeration system liquid line may ().
A. promote refrigerant dehydration
B. be absorbed in the receiver
C. cause low condensing pressure
D. carry moisture and lead to corrosion
[单项选择]The most common instrument used to measure diesel engine exhaust pressure is the ()
A. pyrometer
B. bourdon gauge
C. pneumercator
D. manometer
[单项选择]Ammeter is to measure the ().
A. current
B. voltage
C. power
D. frequency
[单项选择]Which instrument is used to measure the relative humidity of air?()
A. Hydrometer
B. Hygrometer
C. Spectrometer
D. Barometer
[单项选择]Pressure gradient is a measure of().
A. a high-pressure area
B. pressure difference over horizontal distance
C. pressure difference over time
D. vertical pressure variation
[单项选择]The ()is used to measure power.
A. ammeter
B. voltmeter
C. wattmeter
D. frequency meter


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