发布时间:2023-10-09 14:11:11

A. 混合物
B. 单质
C. 纯净物
D. 盐


A. 80%和20%
B. 20%和80%
C. 40%和60%
D. 60%和40%
A. 不分解
B. 全部分解为C0和02
C. 部分分解为C0和02
D. 全部分解为C和02
[单项选择]To determine if a C02 fire extinguisher is fully charged, you would().
A. operate the trigger valve
B. weigh the extinguisher
C. test with a pressure gauge
D. read the date of last test
A. 在此过程中会用到限制性核酸内切酶、DNA连接酶和载体等工具酶
B. 此技术与花药离体培养技术相结合,便可以快速获得纯合子,缩短育种周期
C. Ppc基因导入受精卵是此技术关键,否则不能达到该基因在各组织细胞都表达的目的
D. 此项技术是否成功可以测定转基因植株与对照植株同化二氧化碳的速率
A. 大白菜试验田
B. 玉米地
C. 各种作物
D. 可密闭的保护地栽培
[单项选择]C02 extinguishes a fire by().
A. cooling
B. smothering
C. chemical action
D. All of the above
[单项选择]A C02 portable extinguisher is annually checked by().
A. reading the gage pressure
B. weighing the extinguisher
C. discharging a small amount of CO2
D. seeing if the seal has been broken
A. C02.1、C02.2
B. C02.8
C. C26.8
D. C02.2
E. C76.8
[单项选择]In order to discharge a C02 portable fire extinguisher , the operator must first().
A. invert the CO extinguisher
B. squeeze the two trigger handles together
C. remove the locking pin
D. open the discharge valve
[单项选择]You can determine that a C02 fire extinguisher is fully charged by().
A. looking at the gage
B. checking the nameplate data
C. weighing by hand
D. weighing on a properly calibrated scale
[单项选择]The C02 flooding system is actuated by a sequence of steps which are().
A. break glass,pull valve,break glass,pull cylinder control
B. sound evacuation alarm,pull handle
C. open bypass valve,break glass,pull handle
D. open stop valve,open control valve,trip alarm
[单项选择]After using a C02 portable extinguisher,it should be().
A. put back in service if some C02 remains
B. hydrostatically tested
C. retagged
D. recharged
[单项选择]How do you operate a portable C02 fire extinguisher?().
A. Point the horn down
B. Turn cylinder upside-down
C. Break the rupture disc
D. Pull pin, squeeze grip
A. 成本高
B. 操作复杂
C. 飞溅大
D. 焊接变形大
A. 交流
B. 直流
C. 脉冲
D. 方波
[单项选择]After extinguishing a fire with C02,it is availabe to().
A. use all CO2 available to cool the surronding area
B. stand by with water or other agents
C. thoroughly ventilate the space of CO2
D. jettison all buring materials
[单项选择]Your vessel is equipped with a fixed C02 system and a fire main system. In the event of an electrical fire in the engine room what is the correct procedure for fighting the fire?().
A. Use the C02 system and evacuate the engine room
B. Use the fire main system and evacuate the engine room
C. Evacuate the engine room and use the C02 system
D. Evacuate the engine room and use the fire main system


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