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发布时间:2023-11-06 01:53:26

[单项选择]A loud noise () my attention from cooking and everything was burnt.
A. divided
B. diverted
C. focused
D. separated

更多"A loud noise () my attention from c"的相关试题:

[单项选择]A loud clicking noise from the valve compartment of an operating diesel engine would indicate()
A. worn valve seats
B. worn main bearing
C. excessive valve clearance
D. weak rocker arm springs
[单项选择]I can hear the noise from cars()
A. in night
B. at night
C. at evening
[单项选择]The noise of the traffic()Paul from his work.
A. prevented
B. distracted
C. angered
D. upset
[单项选择]My attentions are _______ from my study.
A. abstracted
B. contracted
C. distracted
D. dispelled
[单项选择]She is the best woman()I have ever seen in my life.
A. what 
B. that
C. whose 
D. which
[单项选择]I have been looking forward to()from my parents
A. hear  
B. being heard  
C. be heard
D. hearing
[单项选择]As you must have seen from my work, I' m perfectly ______ of him.
A. indignant
B. independent
C. influential
D. innocent
[单项选择]The pair of bracelets were ______ from my grandmother.
A. handed in
B. handed out
C. handed down
D. handed over
[单项选择]During the voyage from Singapore, my vessel()No.9904 tropical storm.
A. met
B. saw
C. watched
D. encountered
[单项选择]During the voyage from Dalian to Singapore, my vessel()heavy damages to the deck fittings.
A. maintained
B. sustained
C. pertained
D. contained
[单项选择]During the voyage from Dalian to Singapore,my vessel()heavy damages to the deck fittings.
A. maintained
B. sustained
C. pertained
D. contained
[单项选择]Though my father suffered from illness, he had to ______ great pain to work for my education.
A. live in
B. live at
C. live with
D. live up to
[单项选择]From my {{U}}standpoint{{/U}}, this thing is just ridiculous.
A. field
B. point of view
C. knowledge
D. information
[单项选择]From my {{U}}standpoint{{/U}}, you know, this thing is just ridiculous.
A. position
B. point of view
C. knowledge
D. opinion
[单项选择]My home is no more than one mile from the school and there are many trees ( ).
A. for many
B. among them
C. in between
D. from each other
[单项选择]Diesel engine mufflers accomplish noise reduction by ()
A. reducing exhaust gas velocity
B. increasing the frequency of gas vibration
C. the use of long head pipes
D. the use of zinc electrodes
[单项选择]A user is reporting a loud grinding sound when the machine is powered on. The machine loadsinto windows and the user does not notice any performance issues. Which of the following is the MOST likely cause of the noise?()
A. Powersupplyfailure
B. BadHD
C. Badfan
D. FaultyCD-Rom
A. 矩阵
B. 重建算法
C. 噪声
D. 体素
E. 灰阶
[单项选择]A user reports that their UPS is making a loud beeping sound. Which of the following would cause this problem?()
A. The UPS is overcharged.
B. Incorrect wattage on the power supply.
C. The UPS battery is not charged.
D. The UPS is in power management mode.


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