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发布时间:2023-10-07 12:29:07

[填空题]After reading the novel he was too exciting to go to sleep that night.

更多"After reading the novel he wa"的相关试题:

[单项选择]After retiring, he()his hobby of stamp collecting.
A. pursued
B. pursuit
C. followed
D. chased
[单项选择]He went()to study()after he graduated from the university.
A. abroad...further
B. abroadly...furtherly
C. abroad... furtherly
D. abroadly...further
[单项选择]After the collision, he examined the considerable______ to his car.
A. ruin
B. deficiency
C. penetration
D. innovation
[单项选择]After seeing what disaster he had brought to his family, he ______ of intemperate behavior.
A. admitted
B. confessed
C. repented
D. acknowledged
[单项选择]For some years after his graduation, he()some of his classmates, but as times went by, he dropped them one by one
A. caught up with
B. kept in touch with 
C. kept up
D. made up with
[单项选择]After two months, he had()news of what she was doing in Tokyo.
A. few
B. little
C. several
D. a
[单项选择]He is too young to drink wine, ______he isn't allowed to.
[单项选择]After he () the test, the engineer put down the results.
A. has finished
B. finishes
C. had finished
D. would finish
[单项选择]After he read the advertisement, Tom decided to ______.
A. see the lamp
B. examine the bicycle
C. see and buy the bike
D. ask the shop owner
[单项选择]After he got the higher position of the company, he wallowed in ______.
A. luxury
B. accommodation
C. entertainment
D. refreshment
[单项选择]His company went()after he failed in the business.
A. decent
B. negative
C. bankrupt
D. acute
[单项选择]A man was sighted as he fell overboard. After completing a Williamson turn,the man is not sighted. What type of search should be conducted?()
A. Expanding circle
B. Sector search
C. Parallel track pattern
D. Datum-drift search
[单项选择]He carried on()after his accident.
A. to work
B. work
C. working
D. worked
[单项选择]Tom ______ after he looked at the bike carefully.
[单项选择]He is too weak to _______ his business.
A. do with
B. do without
C. do away with
D. do up
[单项选择]What he said was too()for me to understand.
A. compound
B. complex
C. comprehensive
D. conventional
[单项选择]In his work as a police officer, he had seen too many boys ______to prison for various reasons.
A. sending
B. sent
C. send
D. to send


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