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发布时间:2023-10-29 05:43:43

[名词解释]root and stem

更多"root and stem"的相关试题:

A. 引言
B. 材料与方法
C. 结果
D. 以上都是
[单项选择]With the technology of freezing stem cells from different strains of chicken, ______.
A. chicken farmers can order certain strains of chicken for economic reasons
B. origen can hardly supply all the strains of chicken the market might need
C. chicken farmers can order certain strains of chicken only
D. origen can be supplied with whatever strain they need
[名词解释] 干线型肝硬变(pipe stem cirrhosis)
A. 单用户模式
B. 后台模式
C. 多用户模式
D. 命令模式
[单项选择]在WDS点对点网络中Root AP与Leaf AP之间的骨干链路采用5GHz频段进行连接,Root AP使用的频段为149,那么Leaf AP需要选用以下哪个频段()。
A. 149
B. 153
C. 157
D. 除了149都可以
A. 004版本以后
B. 008版本以后
C. 012版本以后
D. 020版本之后
[单项选择]______ modify the meaning of the stem, but usually do not change the part of speech of the original word.
A. Prefixes
B. Suffixes
C. Roots
D. Affixes
A. 定量数据
B. 定性数据
C. 额外数据
D. 分类数据
A. 引言,材料与方法,结果,分析与结论,参考文献
B. 引言,材料与方法,结果,分析与结论,局限性
C. 引言,材料与方法,结果,个人体会,参考文献
D. 摘要,材料与方法,实验过程,分析与结论,参考文献
[单项选择]The brain stem is located (Paragraph 2 ) _______.
A. in the hypothalamus
B. between the brain and the spinal cord
C. in the transmitter nerve cells
D. between the hypothalamus and the brain
[单项选择] An administrator has mirrored the root volume group to a second disk, but 'bootlist' is failing to correctly add the second disk. What is the likely cause of the problem?()
A. The administrator has failed to run 'bosboot -ad <2nd disk>' prior to the bootlist command.
B. The administrator has failed to run 'bootinfo -B <2nd disk>' prior to the bootlist command.
C. The administrator has failed to run 'mirrorvg -m rootvg <2nd disk>' prior to the bootlist command.
D. The administrator has failed to run 'bosboot -ad /dev/ipldevice <2nd disk>' prior to the bootlist command.
[单项选择]All root vegetables grow underground, and not all vegetables that grow underground are roots().
A. but
B. or
C. as
D. thus
[单项选择] You have forgotten the root user account password. You decide to reset the password and execute the following: Shell> /etc/init.d/mysql stop Shell> /etc/init.d/mysql start – skip-grant tables Which additional argument makes this operation safer?()
A. –skip-networking, to prohibit access from remote locations
B. –reset-grant-tables, to start the server with only the mysql database accessible
C. –read-only,to set all data to read-only except for super users
D. –old-passwords, to start Mysql to use the old password format while running without the grant tables


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