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发布时间:2023-10-29 03:27:50

[单选题] Every culture has some sort of person-to-person greeting. But they are different all over the world.
In some countries such as the United States, handshakes and hugs are the norm.In many European cultures, kisses on the cheek or air kisses are the thing to do when greeting people. And if you play on a sports team, high fives may be the greeting — no matter what your cultural background is.
These are our traditions during normal times. The World Health Organization recently declared the new coronavirus a “pandemic”. 16. This has led to new ways of greetings around the world.
Many Asian cultures already use non-contact greetings. So, people in this part of the world may have an easier time avoiding person-to-person contact. In Japan, a deep bow with both hands kept down to the sides is a traditional greeting.
In Europe, kissing is a common way to greet people. People in France and other parts of Europe often use two kisses — one on each cheek — or in the air as a greeting. People in Switzerland give three kisses.
Reuters reported that health officials in Switzerland and France have advised people to stop the traditional kiss greeting. And the Italian government has banned kissing in an effort to stop the spread of the disease.
Questions 16 to 18 are based on the passage you have just heard.
What is the passage mainly about? (A)
A.Traditional greeting norms are changed now due to the pandemic.
B.Different countries have different ways of greeting.
C.In Europe,kissing is a common way to greet people.
D. In sports team,high fives is the greeting no matter what your cultural background is.

更多"[单选题] Every culture has some sort o"的相关试题:

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[单选题]While traveling in France, he ____ some everyday French.
A.gave up
B.picked up
C.drew up
D.got up
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[单选题]One important area of Chinese culture that deserves special attention is eating habits. If you are invited out to a meal by your boss or host family, it would be wise to follow some of these tips.
The first is about the consumption of alcohol. The Chinese have many unique games and traditions that you should learn to follow. Don't fill your own glass first! Before you drink, fill your neighbors' glass. Chinese people seldom drink alone in restaurant. Drinking alcohol is often a social activity that involves cheering those around you. Make eye contact, raise your glass and yell out," gan bei!" It literally means "dry glass", so, bottoms up! Luckily, alcohol (including beer) is usually served in small glasses, but after an hour of this you will certainly feel the full effects!
The second is about ordering food. You have to find out where your guests are from. Ordering food of their hometown cuisine shows great respect to them. People from different regions of the country favor vastly varied flavors. For example, people from Hunan and Sichuan enjoy spicy foods a lot while Cantonese can hardly tolerate spicy foods.
In addition, pay attention to your table etiquette! If you're the youngest at the table, learn to serve food to those around you before serving yourself as a respect for the elderly. And, don't order too much food! Ordering the right amount of food is the decorous thing to do.
Last but not least, the bill will always go to whoever hosted the event. It is still considered polite to "offer" to pay, so put up a good fight before accepting.
How many tips are suggested in this passage?(B)
[单选题]Volunteeringabroad is something that every college student should do. Not only will you get prepared for entering society but you can also meet incredible people and see parts of the worldyou mayhave onlydreamed about before. The following are some benefits for you to consider being a volunteer once in college .
Volunteering itself. Being able to help others and have an impacton other people’ s lives is incredibly rewarding and powerful. It is noexaggerationtosay that this will changeyour life while changing other people’s lives too. After all, nothing feels better than being able to help those that truly need it.
You will make friends for life. It is common for volunteers to meet their new best friend for life or newtravel buddy while they are working on a project. You and all of the other volunteers arethere for the same reason, so you already share a bond. This is a bond that will only get stronger and stronger throughout your experience. You will also meet the most incredible local people too. You will become part of a community .
Travel the World. Last but not least , one of the most obvious yet greatest reasons for volunteering in another country is that youget the opportunity to see the world .
There are so many countriesthat need our help. You could help with tackling poverty in rural India or in a number of Southern American countries. If you have always wanted to see acertain part of the world, why not use volunteering to get you there ?As you can see , there are many benefits to gain by volunteering abroad . Not only do you get to explore parts of the world, but it isincredibly rewarding too.
What does the word “incredible”(Line2,Para.1)mean? (A)
A. Wonderful.
B. Incredulous.
C. Despicable.
D. Indifferent.
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[多选题]The high seas are open to every state for the purpose of:
A. navigation.
B. overflight.
C. laying of submarine cables and pipelines.
D. scientific research.
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[单选题]Dependable Motors just purchased some MACRS five-year property at a cost of $216,000. The MACRS rates are .2, .32, and .192 for Years 1 to 3, respectively. Assume the firm opted to forego any bonus depreciation. Which one of the following will correctly give you the book value of this equipment at the end of Year 2?
A. $216,000/(1 + .2 + .32.
B. $216,000(1 − .2 − .32.
C. $216,000(.20 + .32.
D. [$216,000(1 − .20.](1 − .32.
E. $216,000[(1 + .20.(1 + .32.]
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Depreciation
Learning Objective: 10-01 Determine the relevant cash flows for a proposed project.
[多选题] We are currently experiencing some turbulence,please____
A. return to your seat 回到座位上
B. fasten your seat belt 系好安全带
C. Do not use the lavatory 不要使用厕所
D. Grasp the handle firmly,if you are in the lavatory. 如果你在厕所,请牢牢抓住把手。
[判断题] Our plane is currently experiencing some turbulence. For passenger who is already in the lavatory, please grasp the handle firmly.飞机有些颠簸,在厕所的乘客应该抓紧把手
[填空题] Some people consider pointing with index finger is very( )
[判断题]Every time I see him, he looks miserable. 这句话中的“every time”相当于汉语的:每当。
[单选题] I go ________ every morning.
A. swim
B. swimming
C. swimed
D. swiming
[单选题]( ) Every evening after dinner, if not ______from work, I will spend some time walking my dog.
A.being tired
D.to be tired
[单选题] I drink ________ water every day.
A. a few
B. a lot of
C. few
D. a little of


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