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发布时间:2023-11-04 05:33:46

[多项选择]Which three Layer 2 access designs have all of their uplinks in an active state?()
A. Flex Links
B. loop-free U
C. looped square
D. looped triangle
E. loop-free inverted U

更多"Which three Layer 2 access designs "的相关试题:

[多项选择]Which three Layer 2 encapsulation types would be used on a WAN rather than a LAN? ()
B. Ethernet
C. Token Ring
F. Frame Relay
[多项选择]Which three challenges have been created by the move toward Virtualization in the data center? ()
A. overstaffing
B. management integration
C. coherent policies and security
D. scalability
E. consolidation
F. asset tracking
[多项选择]Which three statements accurately describe layer 2 Ethernet switches?()
A. Microsegmentation decreases the number of collisions on the network.
B. if a switch receives a frame for an unkown destination,it uses ARP to resolve the address.
C. Spanning Tree Protocol allows switches to automatically share vlan information.
D. In a properly functioning network with redundant switched paths,each switched aegment will contain one root bridge with all its ports in the forwarding state.All other switches in that broadcast domain will have only one root port.
E. Establishing vlans increases the number of broadcast domains.
F. Switches that are configured with vlans make forwarding decisions based on both layer 2 and layer 3 address information.
[单项选择]Which OSI layer is associated with the following: The acknowledgement of transmissions, sequencing, and flow control across a network?()
A. Layer 2
B. Layer 3
C. Layer 4
D. Layer 5
E. Layer 6
F. Layer 7
[单项选择]Which OSI layer header contains the address of a destination host that is another network?()
A. application
B. presentation
C. session
D. transport
E. network
F. data link
G. physical
[单项选择]At which OSI layer is a logical path created between two host systems()。
A. session
B. transport
C. network
D. data link
E. physical
[多项选择]Which three circumstances would prevent traceroute from displaying the WAN IP addresses? ()(Choose three)
A. The WAN link is down.
B. IPSec is enabled on the WX.
C. Traceroute is enabled for compression.
D. The network is configured using static routes.
E. The local and remote cables are accidentally swapped.
[多项选择]Which three statements about performance analysis by SQL Performance Analyzer are true? ()
A. It detects changes in SQL execution plans.
B. It produces results that can be used to create the SQL plan baseline.
C. The importance of SQL statements is based on the size of the objects accessed.
D. It generates recommendations to run SQL Tuning Advisor to tune regressed SQLs.
E. It shows only the overall impact on workload and not the net SQL impact on workload.
[多项选择]Which three statements are typical characteristics of VLAN arrangements?()
A. A new switch has no VLANs configured.
B. Connectivity between VLANs requires a Layer 3 device.
C. VLANs typically decrease the number of collision domains.
D. Each VLAN uses a separate address space.
E. A switch maintains a separate bridging table for each VLAN.
F. VLANs cannot span multiple switches.
[多项选择]Which three statements describe the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)?()
A. TCP is a transport layer protocol.
B. TCP is faster than the User Datagram Protocol (UDP).
C. TCP provides delivery notification and error checking mechanisms.
D. TCP uses a best effort delivery approach.
E. TCP application examples include HTTP and SMTP.
[多项选择]Which three statements correctly describe the functions and use of constraints? ()
A. Constraints provide data independence.
B. Constraints make complex queries easy.
C. Constraints enforce rules at the view level.
D. Constraints enforce rules at the table level.
E. Constraints prevent the deletion of a table if there are dependencies.
F. Constraints prevent the deletion of an index if there are dependencies.


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