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发布时间:2024-03-29 21:44:59

[单项选择]Your company has an Active Directory domain named ad.contoso.com. All client computers run Windows 7.The company has recently acquired a company that has an Active Directory domain named ad.fabrikam.com. A two-way forest trust is established between the ad.fabrikam.com domain and the ad.contoso.com domain.You need to edit the ad.contoso.com domain Group Policy object (GPO) to enable users in the ad.contoso.com domain to access resources in the ad.fabrikam.com domain.What should you do?()
A. Configure the DNS Suffix Search List option to ad.contoso.com, ad.fabrikam.com.
B. Configure the Allow DNS Suffix Appending to Unqualified Multi-Label Name Queries option to True.
C. Configure the Primary DNS Suffix option to ad.contoso.com, ad.fabrikam.com. Configure the Primary DNS Suffix Devolution option to True.
D. Configure the Primary DNS Suffix option to ad.contoso.com, ad.fabrikam.com. Configure the Primary DNS Suffix Devolution option to False.

更多"Your company has an Active Director"的相关试题:

[单项选择] Your company has an Active Directory domain named ad.contoso.com. All client computers run Windows 7. The company has recently acquired a company that has an Active Directory domain named ad.fabrikam.com. A two-way forest trust is established between the ad.fabrikam.com domain and the ad.contoso.com domain. You need to edit the ad.contoso.com domain Group Policy object (GPO) to enable users in the ad.contoso.com domain to access resources in the ad.fabrikam.com domain. What should you do?()
A. Configure the DNS Suffix Search List option to ad.contoso.com, ad.fabrikam.com. 
B. Configure the Allow DNS Suffix Appending to Unqualified Multi-Label Name Queries option to True. 
C. Configure the Primary DNS Suffix option to ad.contoso.com, ad.fabrikam.com. Configure the Primary DNS Suffix Devolution option to True.
D. Configure the Primary DNS Suffix option to ad.contoso.com, ad.fabrikam.com. Configure the Primary DNS Suffix Devolution option to False.
[单项选择]Your company has an active directory domain named ad.contoso.com all client computers run windows vista. The company has recently acquired a company that has an active directory domain named ad.fabrikam.com. a two-way forest trust is established between the ad.fabrikam.com domain and the ad.contoso.com domain. You need to edit the ad.contoso.com domain group policy object (GPO) to enable users in ad.contoso.com domain to access resources in the ad.frabrikam.com domain.What should you do?()
A. Configure the DNS suffix searc List option to ad.contoso.com, ad.fabrikam.com .
B. Configure the allow DNS suffix appending to unqualified milti-label name queries option to true.
C. Configure the primary DNS suffix to ad.contoso.com, ad.fabrikam.com. configure the primary DNS suffix devolution option to true.
D. Configure the primary DNS Suffix to ad.contoso.com, ad.fabrikam.com. configure the primary DNS suffix devolution option to false.
[单项选择] Your company has an Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) domain. You have m ultiple Remote Desktop Session Host (RD Session Host) servers. You have 100 Windows Server 2008 R2 Remote Desktop Services client access licenses (RDS CALs) installed on your license server. You need to return 10 RDS CALs to the pool on the license server. What should you do?()
A. Remove the Per User RDS CALs.
B. Revoke the Per Device RDS CALs.
C. Remove the Per Device RDS CALs.
D. Revoke the Per User RDS CALs.


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