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发布时间:2023-11-05 03:09:19

[简答题]In what sense can an understanding of the context of education contribute to language teaching and learning?

更多"In what sense can an understanding "的相关试题:

[单项选择]From the context, it can be deduced that Antwerp ______.
A. must be the name of a seaport
B. should be a name of an escaper
C. must be the name of a ship
D. is most probably the title of a knight
[单项选择]From the context, we can see the finished answer in EXAMPLE 1 probably is ______.
[单项选择]From the context, we can see that a lever is a tool which can be used to ______ .
A. remove the wheel from the bike
B. replace the wheel on the bike
C. push the tyre back into position
D. take out the inner tube
[单项选择]What can we learn about Fredy
A. He helps those who will work hard themselves
B. He likes to give his help to anyone in need
C. He always gives help to the unemployed
D. He is easily moved by poor people
[单项选择]What can psychologists tell the advertisers
[单项选择]What can be inferred about opera
A. It requires formal training.
B. It is often enjoyed by those with strong analytical ability.
C. It is disliked by blacks.
D. It is more difficult to learn than classical music.
[单项选择]What can work assignments offer people
A. An opportunity to develop oneself.
B. A chance to get away with cheating themselves.
C. Few options for creativity.
D. A way to get rid of your unique personality.
[单项选择]While a full understanding of what causes the disease may be several years away, __________ leading to a successful treatment could come much sooner.
A. a distinction
B. a breakthrough
C. an identification
D. an interpretation
[单项选择]What can help us know what is going on in the world
A. Books.
B. newspapers.
C. TV and radios.
D. A,B,C and others.
[单项选择]What can you infer from the passage
A. Extremely high dose of Vitamin E can cause danger.
B. With proper dose of Vitamin E old people could be safer from infectious disease.
C. Researchers have proved that Vitamin E has no side effects.
D. Individuals with serious conditions should consult their doctors.
[单项选择]What can we infer from the passage
[单项选择]What can be inferred from the passage
A. When traveling in space, spacecraft take indirect route to avoid gravity from other planets.
B. Space engineers are now developing space elevators.
C. It will take the current spacecraft several hundred years to travel to other solar systems.
D. Scientists from different countries are working together to develop new space technologies.


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