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发布时间:2024-03-17 00:03:07

[单选题]Most shareholders still fail ( ) both the immediate impacts and future implications of corporate mergers and takeover bids. A. understood
B. understanding

B.to understand

D.have understood

更多"[单选题]Most shareholders still fail ("的相关试题:

[不定项选择题]共用题干 The Bilingual Brain
When Karl Kim immigrated to the United States from Korea as a teenager,he had a hard time learning English.Now he speaks it fluently, and he had a unique opportunity to see how our brains adapt to a second language.As a graduate student, Kim worked in the lab of Joy Hirsch, a neuroscientist in New York Their work led to an important discovery.They found evidence that children and adults don't use the same parts ofthe brain when they learn a second language.
The researchers used an instrument called an MRI(magnetic resonance imaging)scanner to study the brains of two groups of bilingual people.One group consisted of those who had learned a second language as children.The other consisted of people who,like Kim,learned their second language later in lite.Peoplefrom both groups were placed inside the MRI scanner ,This allowed Kim and Hirsch to see which parts of thebrain were getting more blood and were more active.They asked people from both groups to think about whatthey had done the day before ,first in one language and then the other.They couldn't speak out loudbecause any movement would disrupt(干扰)the scanning.
Kim and Hirsch looked specifically at two language centers in the brain-Broca' s area, which isbelieved to control speech production,and Wernicke's area,which is thought to process meaning.Kim andHirsch found that both groups of people used the same part of Wernicke's area no matter what language theywere speaking.But their use of Broca's area was different.
People who learned a second language as children used the same region in Broca's area for both tneir first and second languages.People who learned a second language later in life used a different part of Broca's area for their second language.How does Hirsch explain this difference?Hirsch believes that when language is first being programmed in young children,their brains may mix the sounds and structures of all languages in the same area.Once that programming is complete,the processing of a new language must be taken over by adifferent part of the brain.
A second possibility is simply that we may acquire languages differently as children than we do asadults.Hirsch thinks that mothers teach a baby to speak by using different methods involving touch,sound and sight.And that is very different from learning a language in a high school or college class. It can be inferred from the last paragraph that______.
A.students do better in high school than in college
B.bilingual children will learn better in college classes
C.mothers are good language teachers
D.it takes more time for adults to learn a second language
[单选题]国际货币市场分部(IMM)是由( )设立的。 A.芝加哥期货交易所(CBOT)
[判断题]1972年,芝加哥商业交易所(CME)成立国际货币市场分部(IMM),并推出英镑、加元等外汇期货品种。( )
[单选题]外汇期货交易自1972年在( )所属的国际货币市场(IMM)率先推出后得到了迅速发展。
[判断题]1972年,芝加哥商业交易所(C、ME、)成立国际货币市场分部(IMM),并推出英镑、加元等外汇期货品种。( )
[单选题]Now that your plan seems to fail to work,you ought to make a(n) ____one as soon as possible.
[不定项选择题]共用题干 Even Intelligent People Can Fail

1 The striking thing about the innovators who succeeded in making our modern world is
how often they failed.Turn on a light,take a photograph,watch TV,search the Web,jet
across the Pacific Ocean, talk on a celiphone(手机).The innovators who left us these
things had to find the way to success through a maze(错综复杂)of wrong turns.
2 We have just celebrated the 125th anniversary of American innovator Thomas Edison's
success in heating a thin line to white-hot heat for 14 hours in his lab in New Jersey,U.S.
He did that on October 22,1879,and followed up a month later by keeping a thread of
common cardboard alight(点亮着的)in an airless space for 45 hours.Three years later
he went on to light up half a square mile of downtown Manhattan,even though only one of
the six power plants in his design worked when he turned it on,on September 4,1882.
3 "Many of life's failures,"the supreme innovator said,"are people who did not realize
how close they were to success when they gave up."Before that magical moment in
October 1879,Edison had worked out no fewer than 3,000 theories about electric light,but
in only two cases did his experiments work.
4 No one likes failure,but the smart innovators learn from it.Mark Gumz,the head of
the camera maker Olympus America Inc,attributes some of the company's successes in
technology to understanding failure.His popular phrase is:"You only fail when you quit."
5 Over two centuries,the most common quality of the innovators has been persistence.
That is another way of saying they had the emotional ability to keep up what they were
doing.Walt Disney,the founder of Disneyland,was so broke after a succession of
financial failures that he was left shoeless in his office because he could not afford the U.S.
$1.50 to get his shoes from the repair shop.Pioneering car maker Henry Ford failed with
one company and was forced out of another before he developed the Model T car.
6 Failure is harder to bear in today's open,accelerated world.Hardly any innovation works the
first time.But an impatient society and the media want instant success.When American music
and movie master David Geffen had a difficult time,a critic said nastily that the only difference
between Geffen Records(Geffen's company)and the Titanic(the ship that went down)was
that the Titanic had better music.Actually,it wasn't.After four years of losses,Geffen had so
many hits(成功的作品)he could afford a ship as big as the Titanic all to himself. The media demand that__________.
A.he developed 3,000 theories
B.he couldn't afford to buy a pair of shoes
C.he found himself an unsuccessful man
D.they quitted
E.an innovation should work immediately
F.failure is the mother of success


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